Our board

Our board is responsible for the overall control and strategic direction of the NHF.

Maggie Galliers CBE


Maggie has over a decade of non-executive experience in the education sector, following a 40 year career in education which included 15 years acting as CEO at several colleges.

Most recently, Maggie is also President of The National Learning and Work Institute and is Pro-Chancellor and Chair of Council for Buckinghamshire New University. She was awarded a CBE in 2009 in recognition of her services to local and national further education.

Steve Coffey

STEVE COFFEY 413x413.jpg

Chief Executive of Torus.

Ruth Cooke

Chief Executive of GreenSquareAccord.

Victor da Cunha

Victor da Cunha - 500x500.jpg

Group Chief Executive at Curo Group.

Kate Henderson

Kate Henderson 2022

Chief Executive of National Housing Federation.

Ian Martin

Chief Executive of Estuary Housing Association.

Evie John

    Evie John 2022

     Director at Inner Circle.

Ian McDermott

Ian McDermott-500x500.jpg

Chief Executive of Peabody.

Suzanne Rastrick OBE

Suzanne Rastrick New 2022

Chief Allied Health Professions Officer (England).

Jessica Studdert

Jessica Studdert 2022

 Chief Executive, New Local.

Gail Teasdale

Gail Teasdale 2022

Chief Executive of Broadacres Housing Association.