Sustainability and Quality of Homes Group

The role of the Sustainability and Quality Homes Group is to provide a strategic steer at a national level for our work on decarbonising and managing the quality of housing association homes. The group plays a key role in ensuring that our policy, media and political lobbying work reflect the priorities of housing associations by:

  • Steering NHF’s work nationally at a strategic level
  • Leading the way by bringing together key housing association groups and partnerships together
  • Refining messaging to the sector and to external stakeholders, and providing a forum to deliver this messaging
  • Testing key strategic policy and funding asks
  • Driving collaboration on sustainability and quality of homes across the sector
  • Creating a forum for political engagement, or engagement with other key stakeholders across sustainability and quality of homes.

Group members

The Sustainability and Quality of Homes Group is made-up of housing associations who are representative of our membership and who help ensure a diverse range of experiences on managing the quality and decarbonisation of the sector's homes: 

  • Paul Crawford LiveWest (Chair)
  • Gary Orr, Abri
  • Sarah Jones, Anchor Hanover Group
  • Susan French, Barnsbury Housing Association Ltd
  • Clare Miller, Clarion Housing Group Limited
  • Allister Young, Coastline Housing Ltd
  • Chan Kataria, emh group
  • Mark Henderson, Home Group Ltd
  • Bruce Moore, Housing 21
  • Neal Ackcral, Hyde Housing Association Ltd
  • Selina White, Magna Housing Ltd
  • Charlie Norman, MSV Housing Group Ltd
  • Alison Muir, Octavia
  • Wendy Evans-Hendrick, Orwell Housing Association Ltd
  • Ian McDermott , Peabody
  • Branwen Evans, Places For People Group Limited
  • Elizabeth Froude, Platform Housing Limited
  • Jonathan Higgs, Raven Housing Trust Ltd
  • Craig Moule, Sanctuary Housing Association
  • Gavin Cansfield, Settle Group
  • Paul Hackett, Southern Housing
  • Nicholas Harris, Stonewater Ltd
  • Steve Coffey, Torus
  • Ursula Bennion, Trent & Dove Housing
  • Tina Barnard, Watford Community Housing

Who to speak to

Kevin Garvey, Head of Member Relations