Rural Housing Week 2023

Rural Housing Week is an annual campaign that highlights the many social and economic benefits of affordable housing to rural communities.

Highlights from Rural Housing Week 2023

Thank you to everyone who helped make Rural Housing Week 2023 (3-7 July) a huge success.

This year, housing associations and other stakeholders came together to explore ‘building a better future for rural communities'. Together, we highlighted not only the amazing work housing associations are doing already but also explored some of the challenges facing these communities, such as ‘hidden’ homelessness and how hard it is to develop new homes in rural areas.


We held two webinars during Rural Housing Week 2023, both of which were recorded and are available to watch in full.

Homelessness – the ‘hidden’ rural crisis

Speakers from the Centre for Homelessness Impact, Herefordshire Council and the University of Kent discuss the 'hidden' homelessness crisis in rural areas.

Watch now

Planning – opportunities and obstacles for delivering rural housing

Speakers from Hastoe Group, University College London and Homes England discuss why building homes in rural areas is often more challenging.

Watch now

Rural Homelessness Counts

Rural Housing Week 2023 saw the launch of the ‘Rural Homelessness Counts’ coalition, which aims to raise awareness of the growing homelessness problem in rural areas, and work towards sustainable solutions to tackling it.

Find out more about the group and how to join.


Just a few of the highlights from #RuralHousingWeek.

NHF out and about

Kate Henderson, Chief Executive of the National Housing Federation, paid a visit to Hastoe Housing Group in Essex to see for herself how NHF members are helping to build a better future for our rural communities.

"At Hatfield Heath, Ulrike Maccariello, Development Director at Hastoe, showed me some fantastic affordable homes, built to Passivhaus standard. We also got to see the community allotments which are flourishing. When visiting Little Hallingbury we met a resident champion who talked proudly about his home and told us about his friendly neighborhood and the strong sense of community. There’s no doubt that building the homes people need, where they need them, contributes massively to the vitality of rural areas."

Who to speak to

Patrick Merton-Jones, External Affairs Manager