Social Housing Pension Scheme (SHPS) future service contributions

Rory McCarthy, 11 December 2024

The results of the September 2023 triennial valuation of the Social Housing Pension Scheme (SHPS) gave many employers urgent decisions to make regarding their future contributions for employees who are earning defined benefit (DB) pensions in SHPS.

There has been a significant reduction in the cost of new benefits in the SHPS defined benefit sections. For example, the cost of final salary 60ths has dropped from 41.2% of pensionable salary to 16% – a mammoth reduction of 25% of salary. Furthermore, the cost of the Career Average Revalued Earnings (CARE) 120ths section has reduced so significantly it no longer satisfies auto-enrolment requirements, so SHPS have withdrawn it for at least the next three years.

Details of the changes in the different benefit scales are shown in the chart below.

Actions that need to be taken

Any employers with employees earning DB pensions in SHPS must:

  • Decide what benefits to offer in the future.
    This is particularly true for any employer offering membership of the CARE 120ths section – SHPS has confirmed that it will be suspending that section for at least the next three years.
  • Decide how the reduction in contributions will be split between the employer and the individual.
    There is no ‘default’, so employers must make an active decision. Given the scale of the change in cost, it may not simply be a case of maintaining past practice.
  • Inform/consult with members as appropriate and inform TPT by 31 January 2025.
    If you are making changes that require employee consultation, it may be too late to start the process and meet the 31 January deadline. In these cases, you may need to take a ‘holding’ decision; do what you can do without consultation, before making a more informed decision at a later date after completing the necessary consultation.

Want to find out more?

LCP’s specialist team can help with all aspects of your pension strategy.  If you’d like to discuss how we can help, please do get in touch.