On 26 June, take part in a #PlanForHousing campaign moment

13 June 2024

As part of our #PlanForHousing campaign, we are co-ordinating a campaign 'moment' on 26 June. We're asking all NHF members to share a short video message at the same time – with everyone calling for a long-term plan for housing.

The aim of this sector-wide co-ordinated activity is to:

  • Share our key campaign messages with a mass audience.
  • Demonstrate the size and diversity of the sector, but how united we are in our ask of the next government.
  • Link our national campaign to local campaign messages to appeal to local stakeholders.

How you can take part

Please prepare by recording a 30 second video for social media.

Use the script below to ensure a united message.

Where possible, make it local, filming at one of your schemes, estates or a favourite community spot.

Showcase diverse voices by doing more than one video with different members of staff (not just the CEO).

You shouldn’t need any extra resources or costs to take part. Just use your phone to record.

On Wednesday 26 June, share the video on your organisation’s social media accounts and also personal work-related social media accounts.

Include the hashtag #PlanForHousing.

Don’t worry if you aren’t able to make your own video, you can still show your support with a simple message or by sharing others’ posts.


I am proud to work for [insert housing association/organisation]

[Pick one of the following statements most relevant to your organisation]

  • We provide good quality homes that people can afford.
  • Housing associations build a quarter of England’s new homes, including almost all new social and affordable homes.
  • Housing associations run vital services like homeless hostels, domestic violence refuges, community centres, training, and apprenticeships.
  • Supported housing currently helps more than half a million people to live independently in their communities. It provides a vital service to the people in our society who need the most support.

However, we are in a housing crisis…

[pick one of the following statements]

  • Two million children in England living in overcrowded, unaffordable or unsuitable homes.
  • There are eight million people with unmet housing need, and over a million families on housing waiting lists.
  • We need at least 167,000 more supported homes by 2040. Without this, many people who could live independently with support will face long stays in residential or institutional care or be at risk of homelessness. 

That’s why we need a long-term plan for housing…

[pick one from the following concluding statements]

  • To fix child homelessness.
  • To provide the security of a social home for more people.
  • To ensure a warm and decent home for more families.
  • That makes sure every decision about care is a decision about housing. A national plan should include an ambitious funding commitment that unlocks the development of new supported homes and secures support and housing costs.

Top tips from the NHF social media team

  • Hold your phone horizontally, not vertically. Horizontally works better for X and LinkedIn.
  • Use good lighting: Natural light works best, avoid harsh shadows.
  • Ensure clear audio: Record in a quiet place, speak clearly, ensure person holding the phone isn’t covering the mic.
  • Check your framing: Position the speaker centrally with some space above their head.
  • Review after first take: Check for clarity, sound, and overall quality.
  • Stable shot: Steady your phone to avoid shaky footage, or use a tripod if available.
  • Engage your audience: Look directly at the camera and be authentic and enthusiastic.
  • Local touch: Include familiar or significant backgrounds.