An update on Residential Personal Emergency Evacuation Plans

24 March 2025

In December 2024, the government published its response to the 2022 consultation on Emergency Evacuation Information Sharing, which set out its proposed approach for a regulatory requirement to support residents who would not be able to evacuate independently.

As part of the response, the government set out its intention to bring forward legislation, setting out a five-step process that those responsible will be required to implement to support residents to evacuate, known as Residential PEEPs.

We understand from the Home Office that more information will be available in the coming weeks, including the draft regulations and guidance to support those responsible to comply with their new duties. We also understand there is likely to be a period of time prior to the regulations commencing.

The guidance will be supported by a toolkit of examples of how building owners and managers are already supporting residents to evacuate in an emergency. The new requirement will also be supported by funding for those complying with the new duties, specifically to support their social renters, as announced in a written ministerial statement last year.

If you have any questions or have an example to put forward to the toolkit, please get in touch. We will keep you updated as the government lays the regulations and publishes the supporting guidance.

Who to speak to

Victoria Moffett, Head of Building and Fire Safety Programmes