Helping residents apply for Pension Credit this winter

03 September 2024

The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) are running a Week of Action to drive up Pension Credit take up.

Research shows that 880,000 pensioners who are eligible for Pension Credit are not currently in receipt of the benefit, which is on average worth £3,900 per year. Pension Credit is significant as it can unlock a number of other benefits, including the Winter Fuel Payment, free dental care, council tax reductions and free TV licences.

The DWP have produced assets that providers of social housing can use to encourage Pension Credit uptake for residents. You can download these here:

They have also produced a stakeholder toolkit which provides information on who is eligible for Pension Credit, advice on how best to reach core audiences, and answers to common questions.

We know housing associations are already at the forefront of helping residents access benefits, emergency support funds, and income maximisation services. We are keen to hear from members who have run campaigns around Pension Credit take-up.

Please reach out using the contact details below if you have any examples you want to share of the work you do to help residents take up Pension Credit.

Who to speak to

Patrick Merton-Jones, External Affairs Manager