Housing Ombudsman call for evidence on ‘repairing trust’ in housing maintenance

04 September 2024

You may have seen that the Housing Ombudsman issued a call for evidence to inform its next Spotlight report, titled ‘Repairing Trust’, which will explore common issues in housing maintenance. 

We will be submitting a response on behalf of the sector but we would encourage housing associations with evidence of good practice in housing maintenance to share written responses with the Housing Ombudsman. The Housing Ombudsman will draw attention to areas for improvement as well as areas of good practice.

You can share high level feedback via a short survey. The Ombudsman also welcomes written statements via email. These can be sent to insight@housing-ombudsman.org.uk. We would encourage members to share a written statement showcasing good practice and areas where you have improved your approach to housing maintenance in the last few years, to help ensure that the Housing Ombudsman can reference this in its final report.

The deadline for the call for evidence is Friday 25 October 2024. 

If you have any questions about this, please contact us.

Who to speak to

Annie Owens, Policy Leader