New guide for local authorities on oversight of supported housing

06 July 2022

Ahead of giving evidence to the parliamentary select committee inquiry on exempt accommodation, the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC) has launched a new guide for local authorities on improving quality in supported housing. This guide presents learnings from the five DLUHC funded local pilots set up to tackle poor quality accommodation and support.  Details of the new £20m bidding round were also announced targeted at local authorities who have specific problems in their area.  

At the Levelling Up, Housing and Communities Committee, the Chair Clive Betts, referenced evidence from the NHF. This evidence argued that issues in the sector need to be understood in a wider context. Often people are trapped in exempt accommodation because of a lack of move-on accommodation that would allow people to live more independently. Minister for Rough Sleeping and Housing, Eddie Hughes MP, responded saying that the government did acknowledge the need for more social housing. Minsiter for Welfare Delivery, David Rutley MP mentioned the need to work with the sector on the definition of ‘care, support and supervision’ and Eddie Hughes MP warned against unintended consequences that could drive good providers out of the market. Edddie Hughes MP also warned against unintended consequences that could drive good providers out of the market.

The NHF has been working with DLUHC officials and local authorities on the possible design of the new system of oversight for supported housing. We will be organising further opportunities for NHF members to share their views with DLUHC over the summer. 

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