NHF response to Levelling Up, Housing and Communities Committee's report into 'the finances and sustainability of the social housing sector'

08 May 2024

In response to the Levelling Up, Housing and Communities Committee's report, Kate Henderson, Chief Executive of the National Housing Federation, says:

“We’re pleased to see that this report recognises the financial barriers that so many housing associations are facing, and we welcome the recommendations which echo our calls for funding and a clear target for how many social rent homes need to be built each year; as well as calls for housing associations to have equal access to building safety funding.

"The sector is committed to tackling the housing crisis. However, severe cuts to funding for new homes alongside significant financial pressure from building safety costs, the need to ensure the sector's homes are sustainable and fit for the future, and increased repairs costs - as the sector continues to improve homes for existing residents - have inevitably led to a reduction in plans for new affordable homes. Ahead of the election, we are calling on all political parties to commit to a long-term plan for housing with funding to build a generation of new social homes.”

Next Steps

Read the full report on the parliament website here

Who to speak to

Press office