What does the Supported Housing (Regulatory Oversight) Act mean for supported and older person’s housing?

26 July 2023

The Supported Housing (Regulatory Oversight) Act will become law on 29 August 2023. This new legislation will affect supported housing providers by setting a framework for new systems for the supported housing and older person’s housing sector.

The Supported Housing (Regulatory Oversight) Act is a Private Members’ Bill tabled by Bob Blackman MP which aims to tackle problematic exempt accommodation. At the NHF, we support the Act’s aim of tackling problematic exempt accommodation, whilst being committed to avoiding unintended consequences for good quality providers of supported housing.

We know that most exempt accommodation is well run and provides much-needed support to those who need it, so it is therefore essential that the supply of good quality supported housing is protected.

What will the Act mean for supported housing providers?

The Supported Housing (Regulatory Oversight) Act will introduce new systems for:

  • Licensing by local authorities.
  • Standards for support.
  • Obligations on local authorities to develop strategic supported housing plans quantifying existing supply and local need.

Next steps

In the Autumn, the government will publish a formal consultation on the detailed implementation of the new system. The first round of consultation will review the new provisions in the Act, as well as a review by the DWP on the definition of ‘Care, Support and Supervision’. A second public consultation will take place in 2024 and will include the draft regulations developed by DLUHC and the DWP.

Over the next few months, the NHF and our members will be working closely with DLUHC and DWP officials through a period of informal consultation on the Act. This consultation will look at:

  • The scope and nature of the licensing scheme.
  • The Housing Benefit rules.
  • The potential National Supported Housing Standards.
  • The strategic plans and transition to the new system.

The NHF is a named statutory consultee for the Support Housing (Regulatory Oversight) act alongside local authorities, and we are committed to using this position to ensure NHF members can help shape the new system.

Please get in touch using the contact details below if you have questions, feedback or insights you want to share on the new system.