Affordable Homes Programme 2021-26

The government announced a new, larger, £11.5bn Affordable Homes Programme 2021-26 (AHP), including funding for social rent, supported housing, and a renewed commitment to delivering homes using modern methods of construction (MMC).

The AHP plans to deliver up to 180,000 new homes including:

  • 50% of homes at discounted rent, including affordable rent and social rent in areas of high affordability challenge.
  • 50% of affordable home ownership including a majority of shared ownership.
  • 10% of homes to provide supported housing.
  • 10% of homes in rural areas.
  • 25% of homes delivered through Strategic Partnerships using MMC.

In London, funding is administered by the Greater London Authority via their Homes for Londoners programme.

Latest updates on the AHP

On 12 February, the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG) announced a £300m top-up to the current Affordable Homes Programme (AHP). Social landlords and local councils can bid for this funding immediately.

MHCLG expects this top-up to deliver 2,800 new homes, half of which will be for social rent.

We welcome this funding and are pleased that the government recognises the importance of boosting funding for new affordable homes, particularly those for social rent.

We are continuing to work with our members, the government, Homes England and the Greater London Authority to address the barriers to delivery and ensure the sector can build as many homes as possible.

We are also working to support members engaged in Strategic Partnerships (SP) as well as members bidding via Continuous Market Engagement (CME).

Who to speak to

Marie Chadwick, Policy Leader