Hyde Group / Future Leaders’ Programme

What's the story?

Last autumn, The Hyde Group resident engagement team launched their ‘Future Leaders’ Programme’ to encourage younger residents from more diverse backgrounds to get involved in Hyde’s delivery of resident services. The programme aims to tap into the aspirations and expertise of BAME communities and encourage their involvement with Hyde’s services.

What happened?

During a six-week period in the autumn of 2019, The Hyde Group Future Leaders Programme was delivered by Dionne Lewis-Reid, a life and career transition specialist and empowerment coach. The programme was promoted via targeted emails to younger residents including, but not exclusively from, BAME backgrounds. Six residents participated, including an IT consultant, university student and blogger, mature student, nursery teacher, director of a care company and a nanny.

What was the outcome?

The course was a resounding success with three participants having joined Hyde’s most senior residents’ committee, and the remaining three participants getting involved in other resident engagement activities. The programme supported residents to learn more about Hyde and develop their own careers and aspirations. Being able to get to know residents through the programme enabled Hyde to better understand the types of roles participants might be best suited to.

The course also gave participating residents the chance to get to get to know one another and establish a network of other engaged residents. A second course started in January this year with a further 10 participants.

What they said

Susan Stockwell - Hyde’s Chief Customer Officer - said: “We wanted to give these young people the opportunity to get involved and give them the confidence to be effective influencers, so they can use their voice to change things for the better. I’ve been impressed to see how much of a success this course has been, and I am excited to work with this group of residents.”

Carla - Hyde resident - said: “I found the topics to be very relatable.”

Georgina – Hyde resident - said: “My confidence, teamwork and leadership skills built each week.”

Who to speak to

Bethan Buck, Head of Member Relations