Finding a permanent home for people experiencing rough sleeping at Coastline

Coastline works in partnership with Cornwall Council Housing Options and Adult Social Care team to provide support for people who have found themselves homeless and are living on the streets. There are usually complex reasons why they have found themselves in this situation and they need help and support to be able to sustain a tenancy. The likelihood of failure is much higher for this client group unless they get the help and support they need before they move into a new home.

How we help people access support and housing

When customers are referred to Coastline, they initially go into ‘Crisis’ accommodation at our Chi Winder purpose-built scheme. Here they are assessed, and a personally tailored package of support and care is agreed. Chi Winder provides a safe space with a private room with an ensuite and kitchenette. It is covered 24 hours a day, 365 days a year by a team of well-trained colleagues who work with customers to offer a package of support that is trauma informed (PIE and TIC) and aims to get to the root cause of the issues that has ended up with someone being homeless.

Coastline works with support agencies, such as mental health, Adult Social Care and the NHS, to deliver the support the customer needs. There is a Health 4 Homeless GP surgery on site.

After 6–12 weeks the customer is moved to supported move on accommodation to start their journey towards developing the skills to sustain their own home. We continue to support customers during this time with their medical needs but also extend the support into helping them with life skills and work opportunities. They can visit Chi Winder at any time to talk to their key worker, utilise the internet cafe or to engage in the activities that are taking place.

If the customer is struggling they can move back into ‘Crisis’ accommodation until they are ready to try independent living again.

Helping residents find a permanent home

After approximately two years, customers are offered a permanent home, which is usually one of Coastline’s properties. They continue to receive support in their new home to help them settle in and sustain their tenancy in the long term. They can also continue to access the Day Centre at Chi Winder for as long as they want.

Although not everyone successfully completes the process, over 80% do. There is an upfront cost to this process, but this is much less than the cost of not offering this service. Most importantly it gives people the opportunity to make a new start and it improves their quality of life in the long term.

Examples of some of the support available:

  • Street Vet visits.
  • Food and training on how to prepare meals.
  • On site GP service including mental health referrals.
  • Assistance with addiction issues.
  • Allotment and gardening training.
  • Social events such as fishing trips, BBQ’s, Pool, Library, TV room and free Wi-Fi.
  • Training opportunities such as IT, H&S training to enable them to work on construction sites.
  • Financial support.

Who to speak to

Dylan Hemmings