
Publications, briefings, webinars, toolkits and guidance on key housing issues.

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566 results

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Resource type

Woman with dog sat on her lapWoman with dog sat on her lap
Quality of homes

Housing associations and heat network regulation

From 1 April 2025, all housing associations with a heat network (communal boiler), will automatically become members of the Energy Ombudsman.

19 March 2025

Birds eye view of residential areaBirds eye view of residential area
Supported housing
Smaller housing associations

How housing associations can prepare for the digital switchover

The analogue to digital switchover is set to happen by 31 January 2027. On this page, we'll be sharing updates and resources to help housing associations through the process.

18 March 2025

The pointed roof of a house being constructedThe pointed roof of a house being constructed

The Planning and Infrastructure Bill

On 11 March, the Planning and Infrastructure Bill was introduced to Parliament. The Bill is a key tool in the government's plans to build 1.5m homes. 

14 March 2025

Photo of two men laughing around a kitchen table, one evidently a wheelchair userPhoto of two men laughing around a kitchen table, one evidently a wheelchair user
Together with tenants

Tenant Advisory Panel: Reflections on resident engagement

Watch the Tenant Advisory Panel share their reflections on good resident engagement and Tpas associate and TAP member Kai Jackson reflect on her recent research, in this webinar.

11 March 2025

A group of people sit in a circle, focused on someone with her their back to the camera who is being consoled by her neighbourA group of people sit in a circle, focused on someone with her their back to the camera who is being consoled by her neighbour
Supported housing

The Supported Housing (Regulatory Oversight) Act

On 20 February 2025, the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government and the DWP published a joint consultation on the implementation of the Act.

06 March 2025

A young man in a wheel chair smiles while a woman sat next to him speaks and smilesA young man in a wheel chair smiles while a woman sat next to him speaks and smiles
Supported housing

The Supported Housing (Regulatory Oversight) Act consultation - webinar

Learn more about the proposals on the supported housing standards, licensing regime, interactions with Housing Benefit and supported housing strategies, among other changes, and how you can feed into the consulation.

04 March 2025

Worker installing wall insulationWorker installing wall insulation
Quality of homes
Climate change

Energy Performance Certificates (EPC) reform

Help us shape regulation on the energy performance of buildings - of which EPCs form the core. Send us your views by 13 February 2025.

24 February 2025

Community groupCommunity group
Supported housing

Our responses to consultations on local authority funding allocations

We’ve responded to two consultations by the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Authorities (MHCLG) on the provisional local government finance settlement and on new funding allocations for local authorities in England.

17 February 2025

Virtual board meeting - Boards or Chairs NetworkVirtual board meeting - Boards or Chairs Network

Communications and influencing Network meeting February 2025

Watch the communications, marketing and external and public affairs staff  from across the sector discuss the latest news at the National Housing Federation (NHF).

14 February 2025

Sad womanSad woman
Supported housing

How can housing help the NHS with hospital discharge

Watch this webinar discussing new National Housing Federation (NHF) research on the impact of housing-related delayed discharges from hospital and the crucial role of supported housing in improving patient outcomes.

12 February 2025

In a garden, a smiling man sits on an exercise ball supported by a woman crouched down in front of himIn a garden, a smiling man sits on an exercise ball supported by a woman crouched down in front of him
Supported housing
Case study

Finding a safe home after hospital

New NHF research exploring how the NHS and supported housing providers are working together to help patients find a safe home after hospital.

11 February 2025

Houses of ParliamentHouses of Parliament

What housing associations need from the Spending Review 2025

The NHF has written this response to the 2025 Spending Review following extensive engagement with, and input from our 570 members.

10 February 2025

View of three blocks of residential flats with trees in the foreground and blue sky behind themView of three blocks of residential flats with trees in the foreground and blue sky behind them
Building safety and asset management
Quality of homes

Awaab's Law

In February 2025, the government confirmed the timelines for the implementation of Awaab’s Law, which will introduce time limits for social landlords to respond to potential hazards in residents’ homes.

07 February 2025

Worker installing wall insulationWorker installing wall insulation
Climate change
Smaller housing associations

What smaller housing associations need to know about net zero and heat networks

This session provides insight and support to help smaller housing associations access and deliver funding from Warm Homes: Social Housing Fund.

04 February 2025

View of three blocks of residential flats with trees in the foreground and blue sky behind themView of three blocks of residential flats with trees in the foreground and blue sky behind them

English Devolution White Paper

The paper sets out the government's ambitions for devolution and covers a wide range of policy areas. Read our member briefing and summary of the white paper. 

27 January 2025

Homes under constructionHomes under construction
Building safety and asset management

Implementing the higher-risk regulatory regime: Insights from the Building Safety Regulator webinar

Watch the Building Safety Regulator, in this webinar, share their insights from the first year of implementing the new higher-risk regulatory regime for building safety.

24 January 2025

Strateguc review meetingStrateguc review meeting
Our work

Housing associations in 2025: a strategic review

Our report summarises conversations we had with members and key stakeholders to provide an important snapshot of where we are as a united sector.

22 January 2025


Standards and quality in development: a good practice guide (2nd edition)

16 January 2025

An older man sits indoors smiling up at someone. His hands rest on his walking stick. Their hands rest on his.An older man sits indoors smiling up at someone. His hands rest on his walking stick. Their hands rest on his.
Universal credit and welfare reform

Pension poverty challenges and mitigation

Read our submission on Pension poverty to the Work and Pensions committee. We discuss the challenges in older persons’ housing and the vital role housing associations play in promoting pension age benefits. 

08 January 2025

Person typing on computer keyboardPerson typing on computer keyboard

Our response to the consultation on future social housing rent policy

Our response was submitted to the government on 20 December 2024 and you can read a summary here, or log in to download the full 20-page response. 

20 December 2024

Centrepoint's Reuben HouseCentrepoint's Reuben House
Supply of new homes
Case study
Smaller housing associations

Centrepoint case study

This Centrepoint case study shows how the sector can increase housing supply and provide a sustainable route out of homelessness for young people.

17 December 2024

Older couple relaxing together on the sofa with a cup of teaOlder couple relaxing together on the sofa with a cup of tea
Supported housing

Regenerating Older Person's Housing

We have an ageing population - and this is something to celebrate - but it brings with it challenges for housing.

16 December 2024

Group of staff talkingGroup of staff talking
Diversity and equality

What are organisations doing to support disability, mental health and wellbeing in the workplace?

During this webinar we heard how organisations are becoming Disability Confident Employers and what initiatives are supporting disability, mental health and wellbeing in the workplace.

13 December 2024

Board meetingBoard meeting

National Board Members Network - December 2024

The 2024 quarterly National Board Members Network meetings are hosted virtually by the National Housing Federation.

11 December 2024

A view of high rise blocks of flatsA view of high rise blocks of flats
Quality of homes

Awaab’s Law – preparing for new repairs requirements

During this webinar we heard about the latest NHF engagement with the government on Awaab’s Law, and from housing associations who have been working to prepare to meet these new requirements.

09 December 2024

Smiling workmen in overalls are greeted by a coupleSmiling workmen in overalls are greeted by a couple
Quality of homes
Case study

Havebury – resident-centred repairs and maintenance

Havebury explains how a new approach to repairs and maintenance has enabled staff to better tailor their response to each resident and situation.

04 December 2024

A small group of men dressed casually sit in a circle discussing something formallyA small group of men dressed casually sit in a circle discussing something formally
Supported housing

Responding to the National Insurance Contribution threshold changes and the threat to supported housing schemes

In the Autumn Budget, the government announced changes to the National Insurance Contribution (NIC) threshold, a change which is deeply worrying for supported and older person’s housing providers.

03 December 2024

Cooking at homeCooking at home
Quality of homes

The Better Social Housing Review: two years on

During this webinar, representatives from the Chartered Institute of Housing and the National Housing Federation reflect on the Better Social Housing Review, two years on.

02 December 2024

Woman with dog sat on her lapWoman with dog sat on her lap

Shaping heat network regulation for housing

During this webinar we heard from Ofgem and Chirpy Heat about what housing associations with heat networks will need to do to prepare for the new regulations and how to influence the regulatory regime through the consultations.

29 November 2024

Man sat at desk at home with a laptop and a piece of paper while two children play on the rug behind himMan sat at desk at home with a laptop and a piece of paper while two children play on the rug behind him

Consultation on future social housing rents policy: insights and analysis

During this webinar, we heard from MHCLG about the government's proposals on future social rent policy, as well as sector experts about what the proposed changes mean for housing associations.

28 November 2024

A view of high rise blocks of flatsA view of high rise blocks of flats

Co-operatives and Community Benefit Societies Act 2014

The Law Commission has been asked by HM Treasury to review the Co-operatives and Community Benefit Societies Act 2014. The NHF will be responding to the consultation. Please review our briefing and send your feedback by Monday 18 November 2024.

28 November 2024

Aerial view of roofs in a housing estateAerial view of roofs in a housing estate
Affordable home ownership

Changes to Right to Buy discounts at the Autumn Budget

The government has announced several changes to the Right to Buy scheme to prevent the number of social homes in England from continuing to diminish. 

22 November 2024

Aerial view of housesAerial view of houses
Supply of new homes
Case study
Smaller housing associations

Sapphire housing development case study

Smaller provider Sapphire Independent Housing explain how they developed over 100 new homes

19 November 2024

Person typing on computer keyboardPerson typing on computer keyboard

Autumn Budget 2024: What does it mean for housing?

During this webinar we heard what the Autumn Budget contains and what it means for housing associations.

14 November 2024

Woman sat at desk with dog on her lapWoman sat at desk with dog on her lap
Quality of homes
Climate change

Warm Homes: Social Housing Fund (webinar)

In late September the government launched Wave 3 of the Warm Homes: Social Housing Fund (formally the Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund, or SHDF). During this webinar, we found out more about the funding and how to apply.

29 October 2024

Blocks of flatsBlocks of flats
Supported housing

The Renters' Rights Bill

On 11 September 2024, the government published the Renters Rights Bill. This Bill aims to make sure private renters have access to a secure and decent home, but it also has implications for social housing tenancies.

29 October 2024

Board meetingBoard meeting

New board member induction (October 2024)

If you’re new to the social housing sector, or just want a refresher, this briefing for new board members will help youget a firmer grip on the housing world.

23 October 2024

Two men in a kitchen, sat at the table with a coffee and a newspaper, laughingTwo men in a kitchen, sat at the table with a coffee and a newspaper, laughing
Quality of homes

Knowing our Homes – proposals on collecting resident information

Today we're publishing our findings on how social landlords are currently gathering and using data about the condition of their homes, and about their residents.

17 October 2024

Smiling workmen in overalls are greeted by a coupleSmiling workmen in overalls are greeted by a couple
Quality of homes

Making every contact count

New NHF report shows how social landlords are making the most of every engagement with their residents to drive positive change to the condition of their homes, services and health and wellbeing.

17 October 2024

Housing - city scapeHousing - city scape

Consumer regulation - Insights and learning from regulatory inspections

Following the introduction of the Regulator of Social Housing (RSH)’s new regulatory approach ushered in by the Social Housing (Regulation) Act 2023, the RSH has begun its planned programme of inspections to proactively seek evidence that a landlord is delivering the outcomes in the new consumer standards.

11 October 2024

EDI dynamic contentEDI dynamic content
Diversity and equality

Addressing the lack of ethnic diversity at leadership level

Hear from key people across the sector who are working to address under-representation and are driving forward practical solutions to improve diversity within their respective organisations.

08 October 2024

A view of high rise blocks of flatsA view of high rise blocks of flats

Leasehold and Freehold Reform Act 2024

The Leasehold and Freehold Reform Act 2024 formed a key part of the previous government’s plan for reform. This Act made changes in two areas under the banners of: “Empowering homeowners” and “Improving consumer rights for leaseholders and homeowners”.

30 September 2024

Sign on door with information on coronavirusSign on door with information on coronavirus

Covid-19 Inquiry Module 9 submission

Read the NHF's full submission to Module 9 of the Covid-19 Inquiry. 

25 September 2024

New homes being builtNew homes being built

National Planning Policy Framework consultation

The government has now released its proposed changes to the NPPF. Find out more information and access our full policy briefing. 

23 September 2024

Virtual board meeting - Boards or Chairs NetworkVirtual board meeting - Boards or Chairs Network
Board Members

National Board Member Network September

Watch our board member network for strategic discussions and valuable insights.

19 September 2024

H.M. TreasuryH.M. Treasury

Autumn Budget and Spending Review submission 2024

Discover our recommendations, ahead of the Autumn Budget and Spending Review, for ensuring housing associations increase affordable house building, increase investment in existing homes and support public services to rebuild.

12 September 2024

Supported housing living - events pages listing imageSupported housing living - events pages listing image

Starts at Home - Securing Commitment to Supported Housing in a #PlanForHousing webinar

Celebrate Starts at Home Day and support the campaign for 167,000 more homes by 2040. Watch our webinar to see how supported housing providers partner with local authorities and the NHS to meet housing needs.

06 September 2024

Semi-detached houses line a leafy streetSemi-detached houses line a leafy street

Monitoring workforce diversity: what to ask and how to use the data you collect

We have launched a resource to help you collect EDI data and use it to drive inclusion.

06 September 2024

Smiling workmen in overalls are greeted by a coupleSmiling workmen in overalls are greeted by a couple
Quality of homes
Case study

Thrive – HomePlan

HomePlan is an annual visit with a resident in their home using an inventory style report. These visits are a way of strengthening our relationship with residents, while providing the opportunity to assess the condition of the home, recommend repairs before they become urgent, and look at possible improvements to the quality of the home.

03 September 2024

Worker installing wall insulationWorker installing wall insulation
Climate change

Net zero under a new government

During this webinar we hear from a range of speakers about the future of net zero under the new government and the implications for housing associations.

20 August 2024

Breakfast with familyBreakfast with family
Supported housing

Implementing the Consumer Standards in Supported Housing

Insights for supported housing providers to help ensure you are well-equipped to navigate the evolving landscape of social housing consumer regulation.

15 August 2024

Housing - city scapeHousing - city scape

Social Tenant Access to Information Requirements consultation

The Department of Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC) has launched a consultation on a direction to the Regulator of Social Housing on new Social Tenants Access to Information Requirements (STAIRs).

23 July 2024

A view of high rise blocks of flatsA view of high rise blocks of flats
Quality of homes

The Better Social Housing Review – exploring recommendation 5: ensuring tenants have a voice

Watch our webinar focusing on the work of members who were actively delivering on recommendation 5 of the Better Social Housing Review, ensuring tenants had a voice and influence at every level of decision-making.

12 July 2024

View of new build homes with a pathway in front of them and a blue sky behindView of new build homes with a pathway in front of them and a blue sky behind

Social housing renewal: first steps for the new government

Dive into the Social renewal plan to discover the framework needed to meet the goals of a wider long-term plan for housing.

12 July 2024

Front view of terraced town housesFront view of terraced town houses

Our open letter to the Secretary of State of Housing, Communities and Local Government

Read practical next steps, outlined by our coalition of social housing providers and practitioners, to rebuild the capacity and confidence of the social housing sector.

12 July 2024

Virtual board meeting - Boards or Chairs NetworkVirtual board meeting - Boards or Chairs Network

Board members network July 2024

Watch the latest recording of the Board Members Network. This webinar provided an opportunity for board members to come together and discuss the day's critical issues.

11 July 2024

Breakfast with familyBreakfast with family
Quality of homes

Better Social Housing Review: Knowing our Homes

This Better Social Housing Review webinar looked at our new project 'Make Every Contact Count'. Many housing associations are already using this approach to check on homes and the wellbeing of residents.

05 July 2024

Cooking at homeCooking at home

Navigating new regulations: insights from the NHF Tenant Advisory Panel

During this webinar, we heard from our Tenant Advisory Panel about the revision of the Together with Tenant’s Charter, and what recent changes to the consumer regime means for residents.

02 July 2024

Rural viewRural view
Rural housing

Why rural communities need a long-term plan for housing

Taking place during Rural Housing Week 2024, this webinar explored how the housing crisis impacts rural areas - from the local economy to the people who live and work there.

02 July 2024

In a garden, a smiling man sits on an exercise ball supported by a woman crouched down in front of himIn a garden, a smiling man sits on an exercise ball supported by a woman crouched down in front of him
Supported housing

Our key asks for the Supported Housing Act post-election

Briefing on what we're asking the new government to include in their consultation on the Act.

02 July 2024

Areal view of village and sky above itAreal view of village and sky above it
Rural housing

Rural Life Monitor 2024

The housing crisis is often discussed in terms of how many new homes are needed in total but less often in terms of how this looks in different parts of the country.

01 July 2024

A group of people sit in a circle, focused on someone with her their back to the camera who is being consoled by her neighbourA group of people sit in a circle, focused on someone with her their back to the camera who is being consoled by her neighbour
Supported housing

Supported and older person’s housing development survey: Our key findings

We surveyed our members at the end of 2023 to understand their plans for developing and regenerating supported or older person’s homes, and some of the key barriers they face.  

25 June 2024

Houses of ParliamentHouses of Parliament

2024 election manifestos: party pledges on housing

Dive into the NHF's analysis of the 2024 general election manifestos. Learn about party commitments to solving the housing crisis, from increasing social home delivery to planning Learn about party pledges on social homes, planning reforms, decarbonisation, and building safety.

19 June 2024

Breakfast with familyBreakfast with family
Quality of homes

Better Social Housing Review – putting change into action

This webinar was recorded on 18 June 2024.

18 June 2024

Semi-detached houses line a leafy streetSemi-detached houses line a leafy street

Communications and Influencing Network - June 2024

This meeting featured an update on the general election, including analysis of the party manifestos, details of an upcoming #PlanForHousing campaign moment you can take part in, and an introduction to our new Comms and Influencing in Housing Conference taking place in 2025.

13 June 2024

Houses of ParliamentHouses of Parliament

Pre-election period of sensitivity: FAQs for housing associations

Read our FAQs for housing associations about the pre-election period of sensitivity.

30 May 2024

Homes under constructionHomes under construction
Supply of new homes

State of MMC delivery in social housing report

Explore the latest on Modern Methods of Construction (MMC) in social housing. 

20 May 2024

Board meetingBoard meeting

New board member induction (May 2024)

If you’ve recently become a board member in the social housing sector, this webinar summarises the role and what you need to know to fulfil your role.

14 May 2024

An older couple sit close on a sofa holding hands and smiling at one anotherAn older couple sit close on a sofa holding hands and smiling at one another
Quality of homes
Case study

Change in action: involving residents in decision making with Ongo Community Voice

In this new case study, Ongo tell us why tenant involvement is at their heart and how they've worked to embed it as one of their corporate objectives.

09 May 2024

Breakfast with familyBreakfast with family
Quality of homes
Case study

Abri – See Something, Say Something

To create more opportunities for speaking up when something’s not right, we’ve introduced internal campaign and reporting tool known as ‘See Something, Say Something’, to encourage colleagues to raise concerns before they get worse.

07 May 2024

Houses of ParliamentHouses of Parliament

#PlanForHousing - Our open letter to the new Prime Minister

Read our urgent open letter to the new Prime Minister asking them for a long-term plan to end child homelessness.

03 May 2024

Aerial view of homes in the countrysideAerial view of homes in the countryside

Local Economic Impact Calculator

Our updated Local Economic Impact Calculator shows housing associations’ contribution to the productivity of local areas. 

26 April 2024

In a garden, a smiling man sits on an exercise ball supported by a woman crouched down in front of himIn a garden, a smiling man sits on an exercise ball supported by a woman crouched down in front of him
Supported housing

Meeting the need for supported housing

During this webinar presents new research into why meeting the need for supported housing is an important goal to commit to in this election year, as well as how to secure commitment to that goal.

17 April 2024

View of three blocks of residential flats with trees in the foreground and blue sky behind themView of three blocks of residential flats with trees in the foreground and blue sky behind them

NHF response to the consultation on the Housing Ombudsman Service's Business Plan 2024 to 2025

The Housing Ombudsman has been consulting on its business plan for 2024-25. We have worked with our members to submit a strong response to the consultation, reflecting the sector's views.  

17 April 2024

In a garden, a smiling man sits on an exercise ball supported by a woman crouched down in front of himIn a garden, a smiling man sits on an exercise ball supported by a woman crouched down in front of him
Supported housing

How much supported housing will we need by 2040?

New research commissioned by the NHF and completed by Altair Ltd., shows that we’re not on track to provide a supported home to everyone who needs one by 2040.  

17 April 2024

Virtual board meeting - Boards or Chairs NetworkVirtual board meeting - Boards or Chairs Network
Board Members

National Board Member Network April

Watch our board member network for strategic discussions and valuable insights.

17 April 2024

Air source heat pumpAir source heat pump
Climate change

NHF submits evidence to Public Accounts Committee (PAC) inquiry into decarbonising home heating

In March 2024, the Public Accounts Committee published a call for evidence for an inquiry into decarbonising home heating. Our response emphasised the key role housing associations will play in reaching net zero, as well as the work they are already doing with local authorities.

17 April 2024

Community groupCommunity group
Quality of homes
Case study

Change in action: Co-creating a new resident governance structure with Southern Housing

In our latest case study looking at how housing associations are responding to the Better Social Housing Review, Southern Housing tell us about how they co-created a new resident governance structure.

16 April 2024

A green emergency exit sign is illumimated in a dark roomA green emergency exit sign is illumimated in a dark room
Building safety and asset management

Fire safety remediation survey – Q&A with DLUHC and the Regulator of Social Housing

Get insights from the Regulator of Social Housing (RSH) and officials at the Department for Levelling Up, Housing, and Communities (DLUHC) on the latest fire safety remediation survey results.

16 April 2024

Houses of ParliamentHouses of Parliament

#PlanForHousing - How long will it take to clear the social housing waiting list in your area?

Template press story on social housing waiting lists for members ahead of the local and mayoral elections.

09 April 2024

Blocks of flatsBlocks of flats

Consultation on reforms to social housing allocations

We have submitted a full response to the government’s consultation on reforms to social housing allocations.

04 April 2024

View of three blocks of residential flats with trees in the foreground and blue sky behind themView of three blocks of residential flats with trees in the foreground and blue sky behind them

The Competence and Conduct Standard

In February 2024, the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC) launched a consultation on the Competence and Conduct Standard.

04 April 2024

A group of people sit in a circle, focused on someone with her their back to the camera who is being consoled by her neighbourA group of people sit in a circle, focused on someone with her their back to the camera who is being consoled by her neighbour
Quality of homes
Case study

Change in action: Putting residents first with Sanctuary

Sanctuary tell us about how they've put their residents first by introducing a tenants advisory panel.

03 April 2024

New homes being builtNew homes being built
Quality of homes
Climate change

The Future Homes and Buildings Standards consultation

This briefing summarises proposals set out in the government’s The Future Homes and Buildings Standards consultation

02 April 2024

Community groupCommunity group

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Regional Round Tables: South East England

A roundtable discussing the regional equality, diversity and inclusion data from South East England.

20 March 2024

Houses of ParliamentHouses of Parliament

General election campaign launch

A webinar recording of the launch of the National Housing Federation’s general election campaign.

19 March 2024

Board meetingBoard meeting
Quality of homes
Case study

Change in action: Working together on corporate planning with Greatwell Homes

Our 'Change in action' series of case studies showcases best practice from around the sector from housing associations implementing the BSHR recommendations.

19 March 2024

Worker in a high visibility vest holds up a panel of external wall insulationWorker in a high visibility vest holds up a panel of external wall insulation
Climate change
Smaller housing associations

The road to net zero for smaller housing associations

The latest updates on the support and funding available for smaller housing associations to reduce their carbon emissions.

19 March 2024

Community groupCommunity group
Diversity and equality

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Regional Round Tables: East Midlands

A roundtable discussing the regional equality, diversity and inclusion data from the East Midlands.

14 March 2024

Homes under constructionHomes under construction
Building safety and asset management

Building Safety Levy - consultation response (February 2024)

The National Housing Federation response to the building levy consultation update.

12 March 2024

H.M. TreasuryH.M. Treasury

Spring Budget 2024

Read our submission to HM Treasury ahead of the Spring Budget 2024

06 March 2024

Couple in their 60s enjoy a cup of tea and a laugh on the sofaCouple in their 60s enjoy a cup of tea and a laugh on the sofa
Supported housing

Exploring the challenges of regenerating sheltered homes for older people

At the NHF, we recently responded to an all-party parliamentary group inquiry on the regeneration of outdated sheltered housing.

28 February 2024

Community groupCommunity group
Diversity and equality

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Regional Round Tables: Yorkshire and Humber

A roundtable discussing the regional equality, diversity and inclusion data from the Yorkshire and Humber region.

28 February 2024

Community groupCommunity group
Diversity and equality

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Regional Round Tables: West Midlands

A roundtable discussing the regional equality, diversity and inclusion data from the West Midlands.

27 February 2024

Community groupCommunity group
Diversity and equality

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Regional Round Tables: North West England

A roundtable discussing the regional equality, diversity and inclusion data from North West England.

27 February 2024

Construction site where new houses are being builtConstruction site where new houses are being built

The economic impact of building social housing

Building 90,000 social homes could add over £50bn to the economy, according to new research.

27 February 2024

A group of people sit in a circle, focused on someone with her their back to the camera who is being consoled by her neighbourA group of people sit in a circle, focused on someone with her their back to the camera who is being consoled by her neighbour

Consultation on tenant rights and complaints

The NHF's response to the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC)'s consultation on the directions to the Regulator of Social Housing on tenant rights and complaints.

23 February 2024

Rows of housesRows of houses

How will the Renters (Reform) Bill affect housing associations?

The Renters (Reform) Bill gives new securities to private renters and aims to protect the rights of tenants, but will also affect the social housing sector. Find out how the Bill will impact housing associations.

22 February 2024

Worker in yellow hard hat on a construction siteWorker in yellow hard hat on a construction site
Supply of new homes

Strengthening planning policy for brownfield development

The government is consulting on mechanisms by which local planning authorities (LPAs) are encouraged to give ‘significant weight to the benefits of delivering as many homes as possible’ when deciding applications on brownfield land. We are keen to hear from members about their views on these changes. 

21 February 2024

A view of high rise blocks of flatsA view of high rise blocks of flats

Consultation on the Competence and Conduct Standards

Hear from DLUHC about their consultation on the Direction to the Regulator for Social Housing on the Competence and Conduct Standards.

21 February 2024

Cooking at homeCooking at home
Quality of homes

Knowing our Homes - Housing associations' current data collection practices

In September 2023, we ran a survey to identifying how social landlords are currently gathering and using data about the condition of their homes, and about their residents.

21 February 2024

An older couple sit close on a sofa holding hands and smiling at one anotherAn older couple sit close on a sofa holding hands and smiling at one another
Supported housing
Case study

Making the case for specialist homes for older people

The Older Person's Housing Group has published a resource to explain the need for specialist housing for older people, outline the barriers to development and make their asks of the government as we head towards a general election.

20 February 2024

Older woman with iPadOlder woman with iPad
Quality of homes
Case study

Change in action: Promoting digital engagement at Ongo

Ongo tell us how they've promoted digital engagement for residents through their Digital Tenants Group.

19 February 2024

Rural viewRural view
Rural housing

Rural exception sites could help us build more affordable homes for rural communities

A study has uncovered a striking under-use of Rural Exception Sites across England, crucial for alleviating the rural housing shortage.

15 February 2024

Community groupCommunity group
Diversity and equality

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Regional Round Tables: South West England

A roundtable discussing the regional equality, diversity and inclusion data from South West England.

12 February 2024

Community groupCommunity group
Diversity and equality

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Regional Round Tables: London

A roundtable discussing the regional equality, diversity and inclusion data from London.

12 February 2024

Community groupCommunity group
Diversity and equality

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Regional Round Tables: North East England

A roundtable discussing the regional equality, diversity and inclusion data from North East England.

08 February 2024

Couple sorting paperwork at tableCouple sorting paperwork at table

What are housing associations doing to tackle homelessness?

Five years since the NHF began work on supporting housing associations to reduce homelessness, we decided to rerun our initial 2018 survey on homelessness services, to find out where the sector is now.

05 February 2024

Community groupCommunity group
Diversity and equality

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Regional Round Tables: East of England

A roundtable discussing the regional equality, diversity and inclusion data from the East of England.

01 February 2024

A small group of men dressed casually sit in a circle discussing something formallyA small group of men dressed casually sit in a circle discussing something formally
Quality of homes
Case study

Change in action: Ensuring residents feel heard at The Riverside Group

At The Riverside Group (TRG), we've been working to make sure our residents feel heard and are engaged. To do this, we offered co-production training to our staff and residents through workshops.

31 January 2024

CIPFA straplineCIPFA strapline

Housing Association Finance guide

The NHF and CIPFA (Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy) have co-produced the Housing Association Finance guide covering key finance issues within the housing association sector with regular updates from key experts.

31 January 2024

Houses of ParliamentHouses of Parliament
Universal credit and welfare reform
Cost of living

Why are we calling for change on the 53-week rent year?

Many of our members have raised concerns about the Universal Credit calculation for residents with weekly tenancies in years where there are 53 weeks. 

30 January 2024

New build homesNew build homes
Building safety and asset management
Quality of homes
Cost of living

Heat networks zoning: preparing for future regulation

With the new regulatory framework for heat networks due to come into force from 2024, we heard directly from the DESNZ about heat network zoning.

24 January 2024

Community groupCommunity group
Diversity and equality
Case study

Change in action: Launching the Black History Month 365 Fund

BHM 365 is a small grants fund that supports community groups to run community and cultural activities that educate and celebrate Black history and culture all year round.

24 January 2024

A woman sits on a bed with two children, holding one close and looking very concernedA woman sits on a bed with two children, holding one close and looking very concerned
Cost of living

Cost of living crisis: how are housing associations supporting residents?

This webinar shares best practices for supporting residents struggling with the cost of living.

23 January 2024

View of three blocks of residential flats with trees in the foreground and blue sky behind themView of three blocks of residential flats with trees in the foreground and blue sky behind them

Our response to the Regulator of Social Housing’s consultation on proposed statutory guidance

The NHF has submitted a response to the Regulator of Social Housing on its consultation looking at how it intends to use its regulatory and enforcements powers, following changes brought in by the Social Housing Regulation Act. 

18 January 2024

Breakfast with familyBreakfast with family
Quality of homes

Health and the condition of homes

Sharing good practice from housing associations working to understand the health needs of their residents and linking this with work to improve the condition of their homes.

11 January 2024

Fire exit signFire exit sign
Building safety and asset management

Your responsibilities for higher-risk buildings: Q&A with the Health and Safety Executive (HSE)

Housing associations with existing higher-risk buildings will be finalising their preparation for the commencement of new regulatory responsibilities from April 2024.

10 January 2024

A view of high rise blocks of flatsA view of high rise blocks of flats

Help shape our response to the call for evidence on the Leasehold and Freehold Reform Bill

Please send us your views no later than 16 January 2024.

04 January 2024

Blocks of flatsBlocks of flats

Our response to the Housing Ombudsman’s consultation on the Complaint Handling Code

The NHF has responded to the Housing Ombudsman Service's consultation on their Complaint Handling Code, ushered in by the Social Housing Regulation Act.

03 January 2024

Board meetingBoard meeting

National Board Member Network - December 2023

This meeting covers updates on the NHF’s political engagement work and insight from our Leadership Team.

14 December 2023

Fire exit signFire exit sign
Building safety and asset management

Fire safety remediation survey - Q&A with the Regulator

We arranged this webinar jointly with the LGA to provide all social landlords with an opportunity to ask questions to inform their response to this survey.

13 December 2023

View of three blocks of residential flats with trees in the foreground and blue sky behind themView of three blocks of residential flats with trees in the foreground and blue sky behind them
Quality of homes

A year on from the Better Social Housing Review – what’s changing?

The National Housing Federation (NHF) and Chartered Institute of Housing (CIH) have jointly published an update on our work on the Better Social Housing Review, one year since the independent panel made seven recommendations for the social housing sector.

13 December 2023

Cooking at homeCooking at home
Quality of homes

Improving the quality of social homes

This update from the Regulator, NHF and CIH provides insights on how implementing the Better Social Housing Review recommendations could prepare you for the new regulation.

13 December 2023

Board meetingBoard meeting
Diversity and equality

How diverse is England’s housing association workforce in 2023? Key findings

We shared our recommendations and next steps for change and delegates heard from organisations using their data to understand and improve the diversity of their leadership teams and the positive impact this has on their staff teams and the people they serve.

11 December 2023

EDI regional summaries dynami content-01.jpgEDI regional summaries dynami content-01.jpg
Diversity and equality

Regional breakdown of 2023 equality, diversity and inclusion data

How diverse is England’s housing association workforce? Regional breakdowns presenting the full data, key findings and areas for future focus for each region.

06 December 2023

An older man with a walking frame smiles as he arrives home through the front doorAn older man with a walking frame smiles as he arrives home through the front door
Supply of new homes
Cost of living

Older people in the private rented sector

New NHF research find that as our population ages, two in five older private renters struggle to afford food, heating or clothes.

29 November 2023

Person typing on computer keyboardPerson typing on computer keyboard
Universal credit and welfare reform

What progress has been made on the move to Universal Credit? Our response to a new study

We've responded to the National Audit Office's study on the DWP's progress on the move to Universal Credit, ahead of a report to be published early 2024.

28 November 2023

Prima Group employee with ipad sits in living room with residentPrima Group employee with ipad sits in living room with resident
Diversity and equality
Quality of homes
Together with tenants
Case study

Prima Group – The Big Door Knock

After the covid pandemic, several heart-breaking stories in the media and with the ongoing cost of living crisis, it was clear to us that we needed to change the way we engaged with residents. In March 2023, we started the ‘Big Door Knock’.

08 November 2023

New flats with a green common area and treesNew flats with a green common area and trees

Consultation on changes to the Regulator of Social Housing’s fees regime – our response

The Regulator of Social Housing has been consulting on changes to their fees regime, as part of a wider series of legislative changes ushered in by the Social Housing Regulation Act.

02 November 2023

Board meetingBoard meeting
Domestic abuse

Domestic abuse and consumer regulation

This webinar discusses the requirements of the Social Housing (Regulation) Act and incoming consumer standards that will require housing associations to work cooperatively with other agencies to tackle domestic abuse and enable tenants to access appropriate support and advice. 

01 November 2023

Two people facing each other holding hot drinksTwo people facing each other holding hot drinks

Consultation on the Housing Ombudsman’s Complaint Handling Code

What does the Complaints Handling Code mean for housing associations? The Housing Ombudsman Service talks us through it and their proposals for monitoring compliance.

30 October 2023

New build homesNew build homes

Our response to the consultation on the consumer standards and Code of Practice

The Regulator for Social Housing has been consulting on their revised regulatory consumer standards and Code of Practice.

23 October 2023

Board meetingBoard meeting

Induction for new board members (October 2023)

If you’re new to the sector and you’d like a firmer grip on the housing world, this induction for new board members should help.

23 October 2023

Houses of ParliamentHouses of Parliament

Autumn Statement 2023

On 22 November 2023, the Chancellor of the Exchequer will update MPs on the country's finances and the government's plans for tax and public spending.

19 October 2023

View of new build homes with a pathway in front of them and a blue sky behindView of new build homes with a pathway in front of them and a blue sky behind

Our response to the consultation on the implementation of plan-making reforms

The consultation sought views on the government’s proposals to implement the parts of the Levelling Up and Regeneration Bill which relate to making local plans simpler, faster to prepare, and more accessible.

19 October 2023

Air source heat pumpAir source heat pump
Climate change

Communal and district heating: preparing for future regulation webinar

This webinar is focused on consumer protection, which is the topic of the first of four government consultations on the upcoming heat network regulations. 

06 October 2023

View of three blocks of residential flats with trees in the foreground and blue sky behind themView of three blocks of residential flats with trees in the foreground and blue sky behind them
Smaller housing associations

What does the new consumer regulatory regime mean for smaller housing associations webinar?

This webinar enables smaller associations to improve their understanding of what the new social housing regulatory changes mean and how to effectively engage in the consultation process.

05 October 2023

Blocks of flatsBlocks of flats

Reinforced Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (RAAC) – information for housing associations

This briefing includes information available on identifying RAAC and responding accordingly, and summarises advice we’ve received on how those responsible for residential buildings can discharge their duties for the safety of people using their buildings.

05 October 2023

Grandparent and grandchild in the gardenGrandparent and grandchild in the garden
Supported housing

Our response to the Older People’s Housing Taskforce call for evidence

We’ve responded to the Older People’s Housing Taskforce’s call for evidence to understand the needs of older people’s housing now, and make recommendations on meeting demand in the future.

05 October 2023

Looking up at two blocks of flatsLooking up at two blocks of flats

Government response to consultations on the in-occupation phase of the higher-risk regime – briefing for housing associations

We’ve summarised the government’s response to a range of consultations on some specific proposals for how the in-occupation phase of the higher-risk regime will work, the government's current policy position, and any changes to its original proposals.

05 October 2023

Talking at board meeting - Boards or Chairs NetworkTalking at board meeting - Boards or Chairs Network
Board Members

National Board Member Network - September 2023

Watch the recording from our National Board Member Network held on 26 September 2023.

03 October 2023

Family doing a jigsawFamily doing a jigsaw

HoME coalition response to DLUHC’s inquiry into disabled people in the housing sector

The Housing Made for Everyone (HoME) coalition has responded to this inquiry which looked to examine the role of the government, local councils and developers in ensuring the delivery of suitable housing for disabled people.

03 October 2023

Cooking at homeCooking at home
Diversity and equality

Better Social Housing Review: Driving forward a culture of inclusivity

This webinar discussed how to deliver equitable services to meet the recommendations of the Better Social Housing Review. 

27 September 2023

Block of flats being builtBlock of flats being built

Our response to the consultation on additional flexibilities to support housing delivery

The consultation sought views on proposed changes to a number of permitted development rights. In our response, we focus on permitted development as a whole, as well as the area of the consultation relating to supporting housing delivery.

26 September 2023

An older woman sat on sofa resting her hands and chin on the top of a walking stickAn older woman sat on sofa resting her hands and chin on the top of a walking stick
Supported housing

Developing solutions for older people’s housing

During this webinar, we heard from the chair of the government’s Older People’s Housing Taskforce and discussed development solutions.

25 September 2023

In a garden, a smiling man sits on an exercise ball supported by a woman crouched down in front of himIn a garden, a smiling man sits on an exercise ball supported by a woman crouched down in front of him
Supported housing

What's next for the Supported Housing (Regulatory Oversight) Act?

On 29 August, the Supported Housing (Regulatory Oversight) Act became enshrined in law. Ahead of the consultation period, we’ve put together a briefing to summarise what we know now about how the Act will affect supported and older person’s housing providers.

19 September 2023

Family moving inFamily moving in
Supply of new homes

Our response to the Levelling Up, Housing and Communities Committee’s inquiry into Shared Ownership

The inquiry looked to examine some of the “challenges associated with shared home ownership schemes, including barriers to achieving full home ownership and whether shared ownership is genuinely an affordable route to owning a home.”

14 September 2023

EDI dynamic contentEDI dynamic content
Diversity and equality

How diverse is England’s housing association workforce in 2023?

This report presents the NHF's latest findings of diversity within the housing association workforce in England. We have EDI data from 177 organisations, representing 76% of homes owned by housing associations in England.

12 September 2023

Looking up at two blocks of flatsLooking up at two blocks of flats
Supply of new homes

The housing crisis: what will happen if we don’t act?

If we don’t act to fix the housing crisis, things will get much worse for people living in England. We’ve been working with Pragmatix Advisory to understand how bad things could get.

11 September 2023

Houses of ParliamentHouses of Parliament

General election campaign: our long-term plan for housing

This webinar discussed how the NHF is making the case to the government for a long-term plan for housing in the context of a general election next year.

06 September 2023

Homes under constructionHomes under construction
Supply of new homes

Our response to the APPG inquiry into developer contributions

We’ve responded to the All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Housing and Planning’s inquiry into England’s developer contribution system.

05 September 2023

Older person close to a radiator looking at an energy billOlder person close to a radiator looking at an energy bill
Cost of living

Heating our homes: NHF response to government call for evidence

This response covers some of the questions set out in the Energy Security and  Net Zero Select Committee call for evidence, Heating our Homes, published 7 July 2023.

23 August 2023

Worker installing wall insulationWorker installing wall insulation
Cost of living

Preparing for the winter: NHF response to government call for evidence

This response covers some of the questions set out in the Energy Security and Net Zero Select Committee call for evidence, Preparing for the winter, published 7 July 2023.

23 August 2023

Older and newer flats - events listing pageOlder and newer flats - events listing page

Revised consumer standards and Code of Practice webinar

This webinar provides housing associations with valuable insights and help ensure they are well-equipped to navigate the evolving landscape of social housing consumer regulation.

21 August 2023

Older and newer flats - events listing pageOlder and newer flats - events listing page
Together with tenants

Member briefing for consultation on consumer standards and Code of Practice

The Regulator of Social Housing has published a consultation seeking feedback on a set of draft consumer standards. We have produced a briefing for our members on the consultation on consumer standards and Code of Practice.

17 August 2023

Older person close to a radiator looking at an energy billOlder person close to a radiator looking at an energy bill
Climate change
Cost of living

Government consultation on fairer energy prices for heat network customers

The consultation announced on 4 August was open until 27 October 2023 and we’ve put together a response based on feedback from NHF members.

09 August 2023

New homes being builtNew homes being built
Supply of new homes

Help shape our response to the government’s consultation on the implementation of plan-making reforms

The Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities is currently consulting on the implementation of plan-making reforms, proposing alterations to the scope, design and implementation of local plans.

07 August 2023

Older man watering plantsOlder man watering plants
Supported housing

How housing associations can support Ending Veteran homelessness webinar

In this webinar hear from the Office for Veterans Affairs, Riverside, and the Armed Forces Covenant Fund Trust. These organisations are at the forefront of making a difference in the lives of veterans through their dedicated efforts.

24 July 2023

View of a corporate event form a lecturnView of a corporate event form a lecturn

National Board Member Network - July 2023

Our board member network provides an opportunity for board members to come together from across the country and discuss sector-wide strategic issues.

12 July 2023

A view of high rise blocks of flatsA view of high rise blocks of flats

The HSE explains: the new building control regime for higher-risk buildings

Update from the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) on its latest work to operationalise the changes needed to implement the new higher-risk regulatory regime.

05 July 2023

New homes with a field in front and a forest behindNew homes with a field in front and a forest behind
Rural housing
Supply of new homes

Planning – opportunities and obstacles for delivering rural housing

We know that building homes in rural areas is often more challenging, so this webinar, which took place during Rural Housing Week 2023 focused on planning. 

05 July 2023

Backpacks on wall in a rural areaBackpacks on wall in a rural area
Rural housing

Homelessness – the ‘hidden’ rural crisis

To kick off Rural Housing Week 2023, we hosted a webinar on the 'hidden' homelessness crisis in rural areas.

03 July 2023

Fire exit signFire exit sign
Building safety and asset management

How to create a building safety case for higher-risk buildings webinar

This webinar shares the experiences of other housing associations who are developing their building safety cases to help support our members.

22 June 2023

A young couple with young children on the sofaA young couple with young children on the sofa

Why we need a long-term plan for housing (report)

As we look to the next general election, we are calling on the party that forms the next government to be ambitious and transformative in its approach to housing. We want to see a clear long-term plan to meet housing need.

20 June 2023

Community togetherCommunity together
Quality of homes
Together with tenants

Together with Tenants: Delivering the Better Social Housing Review Recommendations

This webinar explores how housing associations can work with residents to deliver the Better Social Housing Review's recommendations and continue to prepare for new consumer regulations.

19 June 2023

New homes being builtNew homes being built

Our response to the technical consultation on the Infrastructure Levy

Since the announcement of the Levy, we have raised serious concerns about the ability of the Levy to deliver affordable housing at the levels the country needs, and that it risks a significant reduction in the delivery of affordable housing.

13 June 2023

Breakfast with familyBreakfast with family
Quality of homes

Knowing our homes - an introduction

The Better Social Housing Review panel recommended that housing associations should work together to conduct and publish a thorough audit of all social housing in England. The NHF is working to deliver against this recommendation through a project we are calling 'Knowing our Homes'.

12 June 2023

Solar panelsSolar panels
Climate change

Our response to the call for evidence on VAT energy saving materials relief

We’ve responded to HM Revenue and Customs call for evidence on VAT energy saving materials – improving energy efficiency and reducing carbon emissions.

31 May 2023

Cooking at homeCooking at home
Quality of homes

Action plan in response to the Better Social Housing Review

This action plan is a significant, long-term piece of work that demonstrates the whole social housing sector’s commitment to improving the quality of residents' homes.

25 May 2023

Together with tenants

Our response to the consultation on community safety partnerships review and antisocial behaviour powers

Read our response to the Home Office consultation on community safety partnerships review and antisocial behaviour powers.

24 May 2023

Board meetingBoard meeting

Changes to consumer regulation

In this webinar we heard from the Regulator for Social Housing on the new approach to consumer regulation and how housing associations can prepare for the changes. We also heard from Grand Union Housing Group about understanding their customers and their psychographic customer segmentation.

18 May 2023

Board meetingBoard meeting

New Board Member Induction Briefing - May 2023

This board member induction briefing is targeted at people new to the social housing sector and those who would like to learn more about the housing world.

16 May 2023

building new homes on developmentbuilding new homes on development
Supply of new homes

Infrastructure Levy briefing webinar

This webinar is an opportunity to hear from the DLHUC team working on the regulations and better understand the policies proposed under the new Infrastructure Levy.

12 May 2023

Complaints photoComplaints photo

Housing Ombudsman complaints handling and maladministration webinar

Hear from the Housing Ombudsman as they outline key challenges facing the social housing sector with complaints handling and maladministration.

04 May 2023

Community togetherCommunity together
Together with tenants
Smaller housing associations

Building Opportunity - employment and skills and the role of smaller housing associations webinar

This webinar, hosted alongside Communities that Work reviews the role of smaller housing associations in employment and skills services for social housing residents.

03 May 2023

A young man in a wheel chair smiles while a woman sat next to him speaks and smilesA young man in a wheel chair smiles while a woman sat next to him speaks and smiles
Supported housing

Supported housing and positive health outcomes webinar

This webinar reviews strategies and different approaches to improving health outcomes for supported housing residents in social housing.

24 April 2023

Mother in a room overcorwded with three children and not enough space for all the toys etcMother in a room overcorwded with three children and not enough space for all the toys etc
Supply of new homes
Cost of living

Overcrowding in England

Decades of underfunding for new social homes by successive governments has led to a chronic shortage of homes affordable for families on low incomes. This has resulted in increasing levels of overcrowding in both the social rented and private rented sectors.

19 April 2023

New homes being builtNew homes being built
Supply of new homes

Government response to consultation on Biodiversity Net Gain Regulations and Implementation

The government has committed to many of the proposals outlined in their original consultation document, whilst subjecting others to further review and clarification through further guidance.

18 April 2023

Board meetingBoard meeting

National Board Member Network - April 2023

This meeting covers the Better Social Housing Review and Roadmap to equality: an inclusive future.

18 April 2023

Man sat at desk at home with a laptop and a piece of paper while two children play on the rug behind himMan sat at desk at home with a laptop and a piece of paper while two children play on the rug behind him

Service charge transparency requirements consultation – our response

We’ve responded to the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities’ consultation on service charge transparency requirements for the ongoing costs of implementing regulatory requirements in existing buildings that are 18m or over in height.

05 April 2023

New homes being builtNew homes being built
Supply of new homes

Help shape our response to the government’s consultation on the Infrastructure Levy

The Infrastructure Levy is the government’s proposed new way of calculating developer contributions towards affordable housing and infrastructure – replacing current arrangements under Section 106.

04 April 2023

Family cooking in the kitchenFamily cooking in the kitchen
Together with tenants

Consultation on the revised directions to the Regulator of Social Housing: Tenant Involvement and Mutual Exchange - our response

Read our submission response to the Department of Levelling Up, Housing and Communities' consultation on tenant involvement and mutual exchange.

03 April 2023

View down the road of a block of flats on the right and a tower block in the distance.View down the road of a block of flats on the right and a tower block in the distance.
Quality of homes

Delivering the Better Social Housing Review webinar

This webinar outlines the Better Social Housing Review’s action plan to guide and support housing associations in the delivery of the report’s recommendations to drive improvements in the quality of homes.

31 March 2023

A view of high rise blocks of flatsA view of high rise blocks of flats
Building safety and asset management

Alternative cost recovery for remediation works - consultation response

Alternative cost recovery for remediation works: NHF response to government consultation on proposals to make regulations and statutory guidance under the Landlord and Tenant Act 1985

31 March 2023

Person typing on computer keyboardPerson typing on computer keyboard

FRS102 consultation accounting webinar

In this webinar hear from members of the SORP Working Party (SWP) who review amendments to the Financial Reporting Council's FRS102 consultation.

29 March 2023

Cooking at homeCooking at home
Smaller housing associations

Building resilience in an uncertain world - how smaller housing associations can cope with permacrisis

This webinar explored how smaller associations can cope with this continuing change and growing pressures while remaining healthy and robust, and continuing to meet the expectations of their residents and stakeholders.

28 March 2023

Backpacks on wall in a rural areaBackpacks on wall in a rural area
Rural housing
Cost of living

Research reveals increase in ‘hidden’ homelessness in rural areas

The countryside is battling a ‘hidden homelessness’ crisis driven by soaring housing costs and a shortfall in local authority funding, a new report shows.

20 March 2023

A green emergency exit sign is illumimated in a dark roomA green emergency exit sign is illumimated in a dark room
Building safety and asset management

Latest technical review of Approved Document B – our response

We’ve responded to the government's consultation on proposed amendments to Approved Document B – the guidance on meeting the fire safety requirements set out in building regulations.

17 March 2023

Looking up at two blocks of flatsLooking up at two blocks of flats
Building safety and asset management

Alternative cost recovery for remediation works consultation – briefing for housing associations

The government is consulting on a new duty that will require landlords to take reasonable steps to ensure that all alternative avenues of cost recovery have been explored before passing remediation costs on to leaseholders.

14 March 2023

New homes being builtNew homes being built

Levelling-up and Regeneration Bill: reforms to national planning policy – our response

We’ve responded the government’s consultation on the National Planning Policy Framework, reiterating our concerns that some of the changes proposed in the consultation will lead to a loss of affordable homes.

10 March 2023

A young man in a wheel chair smiles while a woman sat next to him speaks and smilesA young man in a wheel chair smiles while a woman sat next to him speaks and smiles
Supported housing

Research into the supported housing sector’s impact on homelessness prevention, health and wellbeing

The NHF in partnership with Imogen Blood & Associates and the University of York has published research into the supported housing sector’s impact on homelessness prevention, health and wellbeing.

09 March 2023

Lady looking out of a window from her homeLady looking out of a window from her home
Supported housing

Supported and older people’s housing development survey

In autumn 2021 the NHF surveyed members to explore plans and appetite for developing more supported and older people’s housing and to better understand the barriers to development in this sector.  

08 March 2023

A view of high rise blocks of flatsA view of high rise blocks of flats

Joint inquiry on rethinking commercial to residential conversions

Our response to inquiry on rethinking commercial to residential conversions as a solution for providing more settled housing options for homeless households.

08 March 2023

Man sat at desk at home with a laptop and a piece of paper while two children play on the rug behind himMan sat at desk at home with a laptop and a piece of paper while two children play on the rug behind him
Building safety and asset management

Service charge transparency requirements – briefing for housing associations

The costs associated with new requirements for landlords under the Building Safety Act 2022 may be passed onto leaseholders through service charges. The Department of Levelling Up, Housing and Communities is consulting on proposals to ensure residents understand exactly what they are being charged for.

07 March 2023

Breakfast with familyBreakfast with family
Climate change
Cost of living

Energy Bills Support Scheme (EBSS) - Alternative Funding portal

This webinar explains how the portal for the EBSS (Alternative Funding) will provide £400 payments to customers who do not have a direct relationship with an energy supplier, including those on communal and district heating systems.

07 March 2023

A view of high rise blocks of flatsA view of high rise blocks of flats

Engaging with residents on building safety – briefing for housing associations

The Building Safety Act introduces new requirements on resident engagement. This briefing sets out the new duties on resident engagement and shares examples of how housing associations have approached engaging with residents on building safety.

01 March 2023

Housing - city scapeHousing - city scape

Communications and Influencing Network – The Better Social Housing Review

This webinar provides an overview of the Better Social Housing Review’s final report and recommendation for the Communications and Influencing Network.

27 February 2023

Older person close to a radiator looking at an energy billOlder person close to a radiator looking at an energy bill
Cost of living

Energy crisis: support for housing associations and residents

As well as discussing the energy crisis and support for housing associations and residents, this webinar looks ahead at what the social housing sector can expect in the way of support from the government in the coming months. 

23 February 2023

EDI dynamic contentEDI dynamic content
Diversity and equality

Collecting and using resident diversity data to create positive change

Watch our meeting recording for members on best practice for collecting resident equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) data.

22 February 2023

Block of flats being builtBlock of flats being built

Building Safety Levy – our response to the latest consultation

We've recently responded the government’s consultation on the Building Safety Levy. In our response we recommend a number of measures to minimise the impact the levy could have on the supply of affordable homes.

21 February 2023

H.M. TreasuryH.M. Treasury
Cost of living

Spring Budget 2023: National Housing Federation submission

By working with housing associations on the measures outlined in this submission, the government can deliver the affordable, energy efficient, high quality homes the country needs.

10 February 2023

Looking up at two blocks of flatsLooking up at two blocks of flats
Building safety and asset management

Help shape our response to the latest technical review of Approved Document B – member briefing

The NHF will be submitting a response to the consultation on behalf of the sector. To help shape our response we’ve published a briefing that summarises the government’s proposals and highlights the key questions we’re seeking feedback on.

02 February 2023

A woman sits on a bed with two children, holding one close and looking very concernedA woman sits on a bed with two children, holding one close and looking very concerned
Domestic abuse

Reciprocal transfer schemes for people at risk of domestic abuse

This webinar investigates reciprocal transfer schemes and how they can benefit residents that have been victims of domestic abuse.

01 February 2023

New homes being builtNew homes being built
Supply of new homes

Levelling-up and Regeneration Bill: reforms to national planning policy consultation – member briefing

The NHF will be submitting a sector response to the consultation. To help shape our response, we are seeking views from members in response to the questions and proposals outlined in this briefing.

26 January 2023

Several people discuss something in a small  groupSeveral people discuss something in a small  group
Together with tenants

Together with Tenants: a resident's perspective webinar

This webinar provides residents with the opportunity to come together and hear more about Together with Tenants directly from the perspective of social housing residents.

23 January 2023

family new homefamily new home

Managing risk to deliver value webinar

This webinar is targeted at smaller housing associations on the topic of insurance and risk management tailored to your specific needs.

13 January 2023

Nurse and elderly womanNurse and elderly woman
Supported housing

Every decision about care should be a decision about housing booklet

With the introduction of Integrated Care Systems, it is vital that housing associations are involved in local health and care plans to guarantee a joined up, robust and effective health service.

This publication includes a range of different examples of how housing associations are working in partnership to achieve positive health outcomes.

22 December 2022

Children play with an adult on a sofaChildren play with an adult on a sofa
Supported housing
Cost of living

Affordability checks when allocating social rented housing

Carrying out affordability checks when allocating a home gives residents and housing associations confidence that all relevant housing cost can be paid for, enabling the best possible start to a tenancy.

20 December 2022

A view of high rise blocks of flatsA view of high rise blocks of flats
Quality of homes

The Better Social Housing Review webinar

This webinar reviews the main findings and recommendations from the Better Social Housing Review’s final report and outlines the next steps for social housing to drive improvements in the quality of homes.

16 December 2022

Worker installing wall insulationWorker installing wall insulation
Climate change

Design of the Energy Company Obligation (ECO) 2023-2026 – consultation response

National Housing Federation response to proposals for the Energy Company Obligation Plus (ECO+) scheme to deliver energy efficiency measures in homes across Great Britain from 2023-2026.

16 December 2022

A tent pitched up next to a canal by front of a wall covered in graffitiA tent pitched up next to a canal by front of a wall covered in graffiti
Supported housing

Delivering supported housing for single homeless households through SHAP webinar

This webinar provides housing associations with guidance for completing applications for the government's new Single Homelessness Accommodation Programme.

14 December 2022

A view of high rise blocks of flatsA view of high rise blocks of flats
Quality of homes
Together with tenants

The Better Social Housing Review

The NHF and CIH have published a joint report to address the issues of quality within the social housing sector.

13 December 2022

Backpacks on wall in a rural areaBackpacks on wall in a rural area
Supported housing

Importance of supported housing in preventing homelessness and developing positive health outcomes webinar

This webinar reviews the emerging findings from the NHF’s research on the impact of supported housing on homeless prevention and improving the health and wellbeing of customers.

07 December 2022

Board meetingBoard meeting

National Board Member Network - December 2022

Watch the recording from our National Board Member Network held on 2 December 2022.

06 December 2022

Staff talking to trainerStaff talking to trainer

Building opportunity: how social housing can support skills, talent and workforce development

This report was produced by the Learning and Work Institute and the Institute for Employment, with support from the National Housing Federation, Communities That Work, and the National Federation of ALMOs.

01 December 2022

Couple sorting billsCouple sorting bills
Shared ownership
Affordable home ownership
Cost of living

Implementing the voluntary cap on shared ownership rent increases

In response to the certainty provided by the announcement on the cap on social and affordable rent increases at 7%, many housing associations have pledged to introduce the same cap for shared owners. This webinar explores how this cap can be implemented and some of the issues you may need to consider.

30 November 2022

A view of high rise blocks of flatsA view of high rise blocks of flats
Building safety and asset management

Cladding in court

In 2022, Martlett Homes, a subsidiary of The Hyde Group, won a trial against contractor Mullaley for a claim which could have implications for other housing associations.

30 November 2022

Air source heat pumpAir source heat pump
Climate change

Practical solutions for zero carbon homes

This webinar explores a range of practical best practice on retrofitting homes, low carbon new builds, working with residents and tech solutions for net zero.

28 November 2022

A red fire extinguisher fixed to a white wallA red fire extinguisher fixed to a white wall
Building safety and asset management

In conversation with the Building Safety Regulator webinar

This webinar is an opportunity to meet key figures from the Building Safety Regulator and learn more about key issues facing the sector.

25 November 2022

Man on phone look at bills with toddler sat beside himMan on phone look at bills with toddler sat beside him
Climate change
Cost of living

How much would social housing residents save if their homes were made energy efficient?

Analysis of published EPC and English Housing Survey data to estimate the potential savings to residents from retrofitting social housing.

08 November 2022

Worker installing wall insulationWorker installing wall insulation
Climate change

NHF response to BEIS consultation on review of net zero policies

Response from the National Housing Federation to the BEIS call for evidence on the review of net zero.

27 October 2022

Board meetingBoard meeting

New board member induction webinar – October 2022

This webinar provides an overview of the important role of board members in social housing and reviews the NHF’s offer to support housing association board members.

21 October 2022

No Homeless Veterans logoNo Homeless Veterans logo

No Homeless Veterans campaign webinar

This webinar provides an overview of the No Homeless Veterans Campaign and reviews the obstacles some veterans face in accessing social housing.

20 October 2022

Sign on exterior of building marks offices of the department for work and pensionsSign on exterior of building marks offices of the department for work and pensions

Draft Occupational Pension Schemes Regulations 2023 consultation – our response

We've responded to the government's consultation on proposed new requirements for pension schemes.

20 October 2022

Man sat at desk at home with a laptop and a piece of paper while two children play on the rug behind himMan sat at desk at home with a laptop and a piece of paper while two children play on the rug behind him

What might help housing associations decrease Universal Credit arrears?

By collecting data on tenants paying with Universal Credit compared to other means, we hope to better understand how people are managing living costs and support members in campaigning for improvements to the Universal Credit system.

19 October 2022

Couple sorting paperwork at tableCouple sorting paperwork at table

Social housing rent increases in 2023 – NHF submission

This response sets out our view on the government’s proposal to apply a ceiling to social housing rent increases for existing tenants in 2023.

13 October 2022

Looking up at two blocks of flatsLooking up at two blocks of flats

In-occupation regime for occupied higher-risk buildings consultation – our response

We've responded to the government consultation on proposals to introduce a new, more stringent regulatory regime for higher-risk buildings. This response covers the consultation on the policy proposals for the in-occupation phase for higher-risk buildings in scope of the new regime.

13 October 2022

Block of flats being builtBlock of flats being built

Implementing the new building control regime for higher-risk buildings consultation – our response

We've responded to the government consultation on proposals to introduce a new, more stringent regulatory regime for higher-risk buildings. This response covers the consultation on policy proposals for the construction phase for buildings in scope of the new regime.

13 October 2022

Aerial shot of block of flats.jpgAerial shot of block of flats.jpg

Social housing rent cap consultation webinar

This webinar reviews the government’s rent cap consultation proposals and provides insights on the impact of the proposals on our members and residents.

05 October 2022

An older woman sat on sofa resting her hands and chin on the top of a walking stickAn older woman sat on sofa resting her hands and chin on the top of a walking stick
Supported housing

Long-term funding of adult social care

The report contains recommendations for government around housing and planning, and health, care and housing integration.

03 October 2022

Rural scene featuring homes, hills, fields, trees and horses.Rural scene featuring homes, hills, fields, trees and horses.
Supported housing

Reforming the private rented sector inquiry – our response

Whilst most of the reforms laid out in the white paper are targeted at private landlords, there are significant areas that affect housing associations.

03 October 2022

Breakfast with familyBreakfast with family

Preparing for the Social Housing Regulation Bill

The latest on the Social Housing Regulation Bill and the government's plans to improve the regulation of social housing, strengthen the rights of tenants and ensure better quality and safer homes.

28 September 2022

Photo of two men laughing around a kitchen table, one evidently a wheelchair userPhoto of two men laughing around a kitchen table, one evidently a wheelchair user
Supported housing

New system of oversight: what will it mean for supported and sheltered housing webinar

This webinar gives members a chance to find out more about the impact of the government's new system of oversight on supported housing.

22 September 2022

Backpacks on wall in a rural areaBackpacks on wall in a rural area

Ending rough sleeping for good – what does the 2022 Rough Sleeping Strategy mean for housing associations?

On 3 September 2022, the government published its cross-departmental Rough Sleeping Strategy, 'Ending Rough Sleeping for Good'. This briefing lays out its key announcements and what they mean for housing associations.

16 September 2022

Worker installing wall insulationWorker installing wall insulation
Climate change

What to do about hard to decarbonise homes - findings from our research

This webinar examines why some are harder to decarbonise than others.

16 September 2022

New flats with a green common area and treesNew flats with a green common area and trees
Shared ownership

The operational challenges of rolling out the new shared ownership model webinar

This webinar explores the operational challenges for housing associations when it comes to rolling out the new shared ownership model.

09 September 2022

Older man watering plantsOlder man watering plants
Supply of new homes
Supported housing

Building homes for an aging population

The Older Person’s Housing Group are a cross-organisational group from social housing providers across the country that are dedicated to working together to break down barriers and build these much needed homes. 

08 September 2022

Looking up at two blocks of flatsLooking up at two blocks of flats
Building safety and asset management

In-occupation regime for occupied higher-risk buildings consultation – member briefing

The government is consulting on proposals to introduce a new, more stringent regulatory regime for higher-risk buildings. This briefing covers the consultation on the policy proposals for the in-occupation phase for higher-risk buildings in scope of the new regime.

07 September 2022

Block of flats being builtBlock of flats being built
Building safety and asset management

Implementing the new building control regime for higher-risk buildings consultation – member briefing

The government is consulting on proposals to introduce a new, more stringent regulatory regime for higher-risk buildings. This briefing covers the consultation on policy proposals for the construction phase for buildings in scope of the new regime.

07 September 2022

A row of new terraced housesA row of new terraced houses

Housing association costs rising faster than inflation

In this report commissioned by the NHF, CEBR have found that in significant areas, costs for housing associations are increasing more than headline inflation rates.

26 August 2022

Photo of two men laughing around a kitchen table, one evidently a wheelchair userPhoto of two men laughing around a kitchen table, one evidently a wheelchair user
Supply of new homes

Improving disabled people’s access to let residential premises – our response to the new consultation

We've responded to the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities consultation on proposals that would require landlords to make reasonable adjustments to the common parts of let residential premises when requested by a disabled person.

23 August 2022

Fire exit signFire exit sign

Emergency Evacuation Information Sharing consultation – our response

We've responded to the Home Office's consultation on proposals to support the fire safety of residents who would need support to evacuate in an emergency situation.

22 August 2022

BIM for Housing AssociationsBIM for Housing Associations
Building safety and asset management
Quality of homes
Supply of new homes

Building Information Modelling (BIM): what is it and how can it help housing associations?

A free toolkit and a business case to support housing associations looking to digitise their development and asset information.

10 August 2022

A young couple relax on a sofa while discussing something on a mobile phone screen - they are surrounded by boxes suggesting they may have just moved inA young couple relax on a sofa while discussing something on a mobile phone screen - they are surrounded by boxes suggesting they may have just moved in

How will Renters Reform affect housing associations?

Our briefing outlines what the changes to possession grounds and tenancy laws proposed in the white paper on Renters Reform mean for housing associations.

04 August 2022

Family doing a jigsawFamily doing a jigsaw
Supply of new homes

Raising accessibility standards for new homes – briefing for housing associations

Changes to planning legislation would mean all new homes will be required to have step-free access to all entrance level rooms and facilities.

04 August 2022

A woman sits on a bed with two children, holding one close and looking very concernedA woman sits on a bed with two children, holding one close and looking very concerned

Working in partnership to mitigate against the cost of living crisis webinar

This webinar held in collaboration with the Local Government Association (LGA) provides information on what funding and support are available for housing association residents affected by the cost of living crisis.  

22 July 2022

Solar panelsSolar panels
Climate change

Decarbonisation chairs meeting recording

This webinar on decarbonisation for housing association chairs shares the latest policy updates including an update on Wave 2 of the Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund and best practice from across the sector.  

21 July 2022

Rural scene featuring homes, hills, fields, trees and horses.Rural scene featuring homes, hills, fields, trees and horses.

Environmental Outcomes Reports – what are they and what do they mean for housing associations?

Environmental Outcomes Reports are a new proposed requirement in the planning process set to be introduced under the Levelling Up and Regeneration Bill.

20 July 2022

View down the road of a block of flats on the right and a tower block in the distance.View down the road of a block of flats on the right and a tower block in the distance.
Climate change

Hard to decarbonise social homes

This report examines why some social homes are harder to decarbonise than others.

20 July 2022

building new homes on developmentbuilding new homes on development
Quality of homes
Supply of new homes

De-risking sites and preparing them for MMC before it’s too late webinar

This webinar is focused on the use of modern methods of construction (MMC) in social housing. 

15 July 2022

New build homesNew build homes

What are housing associations doing to help prevent homelessness?

Published in collaboration with CIH and Homes for Cathy, these case studies shine a light on the work housing associations continue to play in tackling homelessness.

05 July 2022

Backpacks on wall in a rural areaBackpacks on wall in a rural area
Rural housing

Rural homelessness: England's hidden crisis

This recorded discussion brings together experts from universities, housing associations and charities to explore how we can work together to better support service users and drive down rural homelessness.

04 July 2022

Round blue sign on a white door reads fire door keep shutRound blue sign on a white door reads fire door keep shut
Building safety and asset management

Building safety resident engagement webinar

This webinar is focused on building safety resident engagement strategies and how our members can adopt good practice from across the sector.

24 June 2022

Fire exit signFire exit sign

Emergency Evacuation Information Sharing consultation – member briefing

The NHF will be submitting a sector response to the consultation. To help shape our response we are seeking views from members in response to the questions and proposals outlined in this briefing.

22 June 2022

Worker installing wall insulationWorker installing wall insulation
Climate change
Smaller housing associations

Smaller housing associations and the road to zero carbon (webinar)

This webinar explores some of the issues raised in a new briefing on decarbonisation for smaller housing associations, including the support and funding available to help smaller housing associations on the road to net zero.

20 June 2022

Backpacks on wall in a rural areaBackpacks on wall in a rural area

Is the government on track to meet its manifesto commitment to end rough sleeping by 2024?

The NHF submitted a response to the APPG for Ending Homelessness’ (APPGEH) inquiry into the government’s progress towards its welcome manifesto commitment to ‘end the blight of rough sleeping by the end of the next Parliament’.

13 June 2022

The hand of an older person on a hand railThe hand of an older person on a hand rail
Supported housing

Removing the invisibility of adult social care

The NHF submitted a response to the House of Lords Adult Social Care Committee’s call for evidence as part of their inquiry ‘Lifting the veil: Removing the invisibility of adult social care’.

09 June 2022

New homes being builtNew homes being built

Infrastructure Levy – briefing for housing associations

Our briefing details the policies proposed under the new Infrastructure Levy, what these might mean for housing associations, and outlines our next steps.

07 June 2022

Two men in a kitchen, sat at the table with a coffee and a newspaper, laughingTwo men in a kitchen, sat at the table with a coffee and a newspaper, laughing
Supported housing

Supported housing and young people webinar

This webinar explores how housing associations can use supported housing to support young people with skills, training and employment opportunities.

25 May 2022

Several people discuss something in a small  groupSeveral people discuss something in a small  group
Together with tenants

Working in partnership with residents to deliver Together with Tenants

This webinar shares good examples of how housing associations have adopted Together with Tenants to work with residents to drive real change and improve trust and accountability.

19 May 2022

Aerial shot of block of flats.jpgAerial shot of block of flats.jpg

Consultation on local connection requirements for victims of domestic abuse – our response

Read the National Domestic Abuse Group's response to the Department for Levelling up, Housing and Communities' Consultation on local connection requirements for social housing for victims of domestic abuse.

13 May 2022

A woman sits on a bed with two children, holding one close and looking very concernedA woman sits on a bed with two children, holding one close and looking very concerned

Consultation on the impacts of joint tenancies on victims of domestic abuse - our response

Read our submission response to the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities' Consultation on the impacts of joint tenancies on victims of domestic abuse.

13 May 2022

Board meetingBoard meeting
Smaller housing associations

Code of Conduct for smaller housing associations

This is the latest in a new series of webinars focused on governance specifically for smaller housing associations.

10 May 2022

Board meetingBoard meeting

New board member induction (webinar 2022)

This board member induction webinar is targeted at people new to the social housing sector and those who would like to learn more about the housing world.

04 May 2022

Man on phone look at bills with toddler sat beside himMan on phone look at bills with toddler sat beside him
Universal credit and welfare reform

Universal Credit and rent arrears - autumn 2021

We wanted to understand how people were managing day-to-day living costs and the financial stability of the sector, as well as how the Universal Credit system has coped throughout the coronavirus crisis.

28 April 2022

Woman in yellow top working on her laptopWoman in yellow top working on her laptop
Universal credit and welfare reform

Coronavirus arrears report ‘Going freestyle: what happens when the rulebook is taken away’

The NHF has jointly published a new report with Placeshapers and whg on the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on rent arrears approaches at social landlords.

26 April 2022

An older man in a wheelchair smiles into the camera while a black labrador rests its head in his lapAn older man in a wheelchair smiles into the camera while a black labrador rests its head in his lap
Diversity and equality

Becoming a truly Disability Confident employer

This webinar explores how housing associations can become Disability Confident employers attracting new talent and embedding accessible and inclusive ways of working.

25 April 2022

Arial view of a couple with a baby surrounding by packing boxesArial view of a couple with a baby surrounding by packing boxes

Housing homeless families

With historically numbers of homeless families currently living in temporary accommodation, we wanted to better understand how social housing is allocated to homeless families.

22 April 2022

Code of conduct 2022

Code of conduct 2022

Our revised and updated Code of Conduct is a companion to our 2020 Code of Governance, setting out standards of...

20 April 2022

A woman sits on a bed with two children, holding one close and looking very concernedA woman sits on a bed with two children, holding one close and looking very concerned

Housing homeless families webinar

In this webinar Bekah Ryder, Research Lead at the NHF presents the findings from the Housing Homeless Families research report and its recommendations for local authorities and housing associations, the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities and the Department for Work and Pensions.

07 April 2022

Rural housing viewRural housing view
Supply of new homes

Our response to the Biodiversity Net Gain Regulations and Implementation consultation

Biodiversity Net Gain will apply to developers seeking planning permission for development and will require that habitats for wildlife are left in a measurably better state than they were in prior to development.

06 April 2022

Air source heat pumpAir source heat pump
Climate change
Smaller housing associations

Smaller housing associations and the road to zero carbon (briefing)

This briefing explores the policy context and challenges raised by our smaller members and outlines the support the we can provide on the road to zero carbon.

25 March 2022

Child in window holding up a drawing of a rainbowChild in window holding up a drawing of a rainbow
Supported housing

Latest coronavirus guidance and information for housing associations

As rules and guidelines develop to reflect the changing situation, we have summarised the announcements which affect housing associations.

24 March 2022

Strategic Review Dynamic Content Block NEWStrategic Review Dynamic Content Block NEW

Housing associations in 2022: a strategic review

Read our strategic review report setting out key findings into the long term future of the housing association sector.

14 March 2022

EDI dynamic contentEDI dynamic content
Diversity and equality

Equality, diversity and inclusion in smaller housing associations webinar

This webinar reviews how smaller housing associations can improve EDI with your organisation including some of the challenges and opportunities.

10 March 2022

An older man sits indoors smiling up at someone. His hands rest on his walking stick. Their hands rest on his.An older man sits indoors smiling up at someone. His hands rest on his walking stick. Their hands rest on his.

Health integration white paper briefing for housing associations

The government has published its health and social care integration white paper, Joining Up Care for People, Places and Populations.

09 March 2022

Together with tenants

Our response to the tenant satisfaction measures consultation

Read our response to the Regulator of Social Housing's tenant satisfaction measures consultation.

04 March 2022

Nurse and elderly womanNurse and elderly woman

Housing associations working alongside the NHS webinar

This webinar reviews health promotion initiatives offered by housing associations in partnership with the NHS and other stakeholders.

16 February 2022


Consultation on new tenant satisfaction measures webinar

In this webinar hear from Kate Dodsworth, Director of Consumer Regulation from The Regulator of Social Housing who reviews the consultation on the new tenant satisfaction measures and explains what they will mean for housing associations.

14 February 2022

Blocks of flatsBlocks of flats

Levelling Up White Paper - briefing for housing associations

The government has published their much-anticipated Levelling Up White Paper, setting out a large programme of work which aims to tackle geographical disparities across England.

09 February 2022

Air source heat pumpAir source heat pump
Climate change

Zero carbon homes: tech we can trust

Electric heat pumps are likely to be the dominant solution to how we green our homes but many questions remain.

09 February 2022

Complaints photoComplaints photo

Effective complaint handling webinar

This webinar promotes and shares good practices on complaint handling helping housing associations explore effective processes and procedures that can be implemented to resolve complaints swiftly.

03 February 2022

Homes under constructionHomes under construction
Supply of new homes

Biodiversity Net Gain Regulations and Implementation consultation briefing

This briefing explores the questions and proposals set out in the government’s Biodiversity Net Gain Regulations and Implementation, published on 11 January 2022.

27 January 2022

Cooking at homeCooking at home
Domestic abuse

Domestic abuse and joint tenancies

During this webinar we discuss perpetrator management and good practice related to joint tenancies, and ensuring work with perpetrators does not come to a cost to the victim of domestic abuse.

20 January 2022

EDI dynamic contentEDI dynamic content
Diversity and equality

Equality, diversity and inclusion regional data breakdown

The NHF has published regional breakdowns of the data for housing associations to review and act on following the launch of our national equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) report.


19 January 2022

fire exit signfire exit sign
Building safety and asset management

Building a Safer Future Charter: changing culture and reducing risk webinar

In this webinar, MHS Homes and Kier Group share their insights on why they signed up to become Building a Safer Future Charter Champions and how it has helped their organisations.

17 January 2022

New homes with a field in front and a forest behindNew homes with a field in front and a forest behind
Climate change

Phasing out the installation of fossil fuel heating in homes off the gas grid - consultation response

The government is seeking views on proposals to phase out the installation of fossil fuel heating systems in homes off the gas grid - read the NHF response.

12 January 2022

Row of homesRow of homes
Together with tenants

Our response to the call for evidence on the regulation of social housing

Read our response to the Levelling Up, Housing and Communities Committee's call for evidence on The Regulation of Social Housing.

22 December 2021

Tower blockTower block
Building safety and asset management

Developing a Building Safety Case briefing

Our briefing helps members to begin putting together their Building Safety Cases, and prepare for the new building safety regulations.

21 December 2021

Overseeing standards, quality and value for money in supported housing what should be done .pngOverseeing standards, quality and value for money in supported housing what should be done .png
Supported housing

Overseeing standards, quality and value for money in supported housing: what should be done?

This webinar explores current supported housing pilots aimed at improving the quality, enforcement, oversight and value for money in supported housing. We also review the remedies for the poor quality provision and discuss the lessons learned from the experience of Prospect Housing in trying to improve standards.

16 December 2021

PIHN child image dynamic content imagePIHN child image dynamic content image
Supply of new homes

People in housing need 2021

Our People in housing need report looks at the full extent of the housing crisis in England, including how different housing issues affect people across tenures and regions.

15 December 2021

Breakfast with familyBreakfast with family
Smaller housing associations

The regulatory landscape for smaller housing associations

Discusses the current regulatory landscape for smaller housing associations and the implications of the Social Housing White Paper leaders, boards and tenants and residents.

10 December 2021

EDI report dynamic contentEDI report dynamic content
Diversity and equality

How diverse is the housing association workforce in England?

This report presents the findings of the first ever national picture of EDI within the housing association workforce in England. We have EDI data from 174 organisations, representing 71% of homes owned by housing associations in England.

09 December 2021

A child holds up a rainbow pictire to the windowA child holds up a rainbow pictire to the window

Resources to support communications with residents and staff about coronavirus

We’ve summarised some of the resources available from the government that housing associations can use to support their communications with residents and staff about coronavirus.

01 December 2021

Blocks of flatsBlocks of flats
Building safety and asset management

SPEI Agreements for the Building Safety Fund: a short guide from Homes England

Subsidy Control rules apply to the Building Safety Fund. Registered providers can receive this funding via the Services of Public Economic Interest (SPEI) rules.

16 November 2021

Cat's at homeCat's at home
Universal credit and welfare reform

How can housing associations improve health and financial wellbeing through the winter and beyond?

As winter approaches, and furlough and the £20 uplift in benefits end, this webinar looked at the role of housing associations in promoting health and wellbeing alongside supporting communities facing fuel poverty and financial inclusion.

16 November 2021

Worker installing wall insulationWorker installing wall insulation
Climate change

Heat and buildings strategy - briefing for housing associations

The Heat and buildings strategy sets out how the government plans to eliminate ‘virtually all emissions arising from heating, cooling and energy use in our buildings’.

16 November 2021

NHF logo in blueNHF logo in blue
Together with tenants

Stigma and Social Housing in England report – our response

Read our response to the University of Durham's new report on Stigma and Social Housing in England.

05 November 2021

Mould and dampMould and damp

Lessons on responding to damp and mould in homes webinar

This webinar explores how the social housing sector can respond better to damp and mould in their homes and improve residents’ experiences.

04 November 2021

Nottingham City Homes Energiesprong RetrofitNottingham City Homes Energiesprong Retrofit
Climate change

What is the cost of making our homes zero carbon and how can this be funded?

This webinar recorded 4 November 2021 features representatives from Savills, the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, and Turner and Townsend.

04 November 2021

Houses of ParliamentHouses of Parliament

Autumn Budget and Spending Review 2021

A summary of our ongoing work and focus for the government's Autumn Budget and Spending Review 2021.

27 October 2021

Together with Tenants.pngTogether with Tenants.png
Together with tenants

Together with Tenants Progress and Impact Webinar

This webinar shares findings from the study, showcasing areas where Together with Tenants has had an impact and the challenges that have been encountered across different housing associations.

26 October 2021

A view of high rise blocks of flatsA view of high rise blocks of flats
Building safety and asset management

Safety case principles for high-rise residential buildings – our response

The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) has issued draft guidance setting out the principles underpinning the Building Safety Case, and Safety Case Report, that will be required for all higher-risk buildings when the Building Safety Bill becomes law. We responded to their consultation on behalf of the social housing sector.

22 October 2021

Cleaning door handlesCleaning door handles
Supported housing

Extension of compulsory vaccinations – our consultation response

The Department of Health and Social Care has been consulting on whether or not the government should extend the existing statutory requirement for those working or volunteering in a care home to be vaccinated against coronavirus to other health and care settings.

21 October 2021

Risk and assurance for smaller HA's webinar.pngRisk and assurance for smaller HA's webinar.png
Smaller housing associations

Risk and assurance for smaller housing associations webinar

This webinar explores risk and assurance and will be of most intersest to chairs, board members, chief executives, company secretaries and governance leads within smaller housing associations.

21 October 2021

BHM 2021BHM 2021
Diversity and equality

Black History Month Webinar - In Conversation with Louis Julienne

For Black History Month 2021 we sat down with Louis Julienne, co-founder of the Federation of Black Housing Organisations (FBHO) to hear first-hand his story of developing the first black housing strategy.

21 October 2021

Fire door sign on white doorFire door sign on white door

Building Safety Levy consultation – our response

We’ve responded to the government’s consultation on the Building Safety Levy, making a case for an exemption for the sector.

21 October 2021

NHF logo in blueNHF logo in blue

National Governance Network meeting (recorded 19 October 2021)

The latest forum outlines the work updating the NHF's code of conduct and gives insight into what is likely to be included in the updated document.

19 October 2021

Climate change

Decarbonisation of housing association homes - a briefing for external stakeholders

To meet the national target of net zero carbon emissions by 2050, we must decarbonise all our homes, including the 2.7 million homes in England owned by housing associations. Introducing two new pieces of work to help housing associations achieve this aim.

19 October 2021

Decarbonisation: a guide for housing associationsDecarbonisation: a guide for housing associations
Climate change

Decarbonisation: a guide for housing associations

This guide sets out how to retrofit existing social homes so they are more comfortable, cheaper to live in and emit no carbon.

19 October 2021

Climate change

Decarbonising the housing association sector - costs and funding options

We commissioned Savills to research the costings and funding options for decarbonisation of social housing so we can get a better understanding of what this vital work means financially for our sector.

19 October 2021

Solar panelsSolar panels
Quality of homes
Climate change

Options for achieving net zero webinar

This webinar reviews a key part of the NHF's project on decarbonisation: how can we as a sector navigate our way to net-zero?

07 October 2021

Rows of new homes mobile.jpgRow of homes

How many homes did housing associations build last year?

Our end of year Supply Data report looks at how many homes the sector built over the last year.

23 September 2021

Round blue sign on a white door reads fire door keep shutRound blue sign on a white door reads fire door keep shut
Building safety and asset management

Consultation on PAS 8673 framework for competence of Building Safety Managers: NHF response

We’ve responded to the draft Publicly Available Specification (PAS) 8673 prepared by the British Standards Institution.

22 September 2021

Glasgow, the setting for COP 26Glasgow, the setting for COP 26
Climate change

COP26: a briefing for housing associations

Leading up to the United Nations’ annual climate change conference, the UK government has introduced several consequential measures and revised targets that impact housing associations.

10 September 2021

Nurse and elderly womanNurse and elderly woman

The Renters’ Reform Bill: our approach for supported and temporary housing

We have proposed a way forward to MHCLG that balances ensuring supported accommodation is available for those who need it with the rights of residents and housing associations’ needs.

03 September 2021

Board meetingBoard meeting

New board members induction (September 2021)

Hear from the NHF, the Regulator of Social Housing, the Chair of WHG and Housemark about what makes a great board member.

01 September 2021

Lady looking out of a window from her homeLady looking out of a window from her home
Supported housing

Starts at Home: enhancing residents’ wellbeing and relieving pressure on the NHS webinar

Ahead of Starts at Home Day 2021, this webinar explores how supported housing providers stepped up to meet the pressures of the Coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic and how they can continue to support their residents’ wellbeing while also working with the NHS.

26 August 2021

A couple at home sit at the kitche table looking at a laptop and various paper billsA couple at home sit at the kitche table looking at a laptop and various paper bills
Universal credit and welfare reform

Universal Credit: claiming during the coronavirus pandemic webinar

Findings and recommendations from the largest survey of people living in social housing claiming Universal Credit during the coronavirus pandemic.

18 August 2021

Nurse and elderly womanNurse and elderly woman

Creating partnerships with health and social care for better commissioning

Our briefing outlines the importance of partnerships, and ways housing associations can demonstrate their value and forge partnerships with the NHS in their local area.

17 August 2021

View of three blocks of residential flats with trees in the foreground and blue sky behind themView of three blocks of residential flats with trees in the foreground and blue sky behind them
Building safety and asset management

Building Safety Bill: member briefing

This Bill will introduce significant changes to building safety regulation. This briefing summarises the key points for housing associations.

12 August 2021

Breakfast with familyBreakfast with family
Universal credit and welfare reform

#KeepTheLifeline campaign materials

The Joseph Rowntree Foundation are leading the #KeepTheLifeline campaign stop the £20 per week cut to Universal Credit payments from October. Access materials support the campaign.

12 August 2021

Cooking at homeCooking at home

Tackling discrimination and fostering inclusion within communities

Webinar discussing how action L&Q is taking to strengthen the voice of residents within housing associations to help tackle discrimination.

05 August 2021

A couple at home sit at the kitche table looking at a laptop and various paper billsA couple at home sit at the kitche table looking at a laptop and various paper bills
Universal credit and welfare reform

Universal Credit: claiming during the coronavirus pandemic

Review the findings and recommendations from the largest survey of people living in social housing claiming Universal Credit during the coronavirus pandemic.

04 August 2021

Aerial view of village surrounded by fieldsAerial view of village surrounded by fields
Climate change

Defining net zero for social housing: discussion paper

Read our discussion paper on defining net zero for housing associations and review questions for NHF members to help our decarbonisation work.

28 July 2021

Fire exit signFire exit sign
Building safety and asset management

Personal Emergency Evacuation Plans consultation: our response

Read our response to the government's consultation on Personal Emergency Evacuation Plans.

23 July 2021

stack of money with wooden housestack of money with wooden house

Government consultation on audit reform – our response

The NHF responded to a consultation on changes to audit and corporate governance which will see all housing associations with an income over £100m being classed as Public Interest Entities.

19 July 2021

Front view of terraced town housesFront view of terraced town houses
Domestic abuse

Meeting the domestic abuse requirements proposed in the social housing white paper

This webinar was organised by our National Domestic Abuse Core Group. It explores the domestic abuse requirements within the social housing white paper and how members can meet these requirements. 

19 July 2021

The pointed roof of a house being constructedThe pointed roof of a house being constructed
Supply of new homes
Smaller housing associations

Modern methods of construction (MMC) for smaller housing associations

Exploring the opportunities for smaller housing associations in using MMC to build new homes.

15 July 2021

Cat's at homeCat's at home
Together with tenants

Meet the Regulator

Hear about how regulation in the social housing sector works currently and the changes the Social Housing White Paper is introducing.

15 July 2021

Rural viewRural view
Rural housing

Committed to rural communities

The Rural Housing Alliance share their revised rural pledge and introduce the Parish Councillors’ Guide to Rural Affordable Housing.

07 July 2021

A view of high rise blocks of flatsA view of high rise blocks of flats
Building safety and asset management
Shared ownership

Remedial works, shared owners and sub-letting – taking a sector-wide approach

Read our briefing for housing associations on how the sector could provide greater consistency for shared owners who need to sub-let their homes in buildings awaiting remedial works or EWS1 forms.

01 July 2021

Board meetingBoard meeting
Diversity and equality

Diversity on boards: how equality and inclusion in the boardroom can transform an organisation

Hear first-hand from board members who have experienced the impact that improving equality, diversity and inclusion in the boardroom can have on an organisation.

18 June 2021

Houses of ParliamentHouses of Parliament
Together with tenants

Social Housing White Paper – member briefing and actions for housing associations

Our updated briefing outlines what steps members can take alongside each measure of the Social Housing White Paper.

17 June 2021

Round blue sign on a white door reads fire door keep shutRound blue sign on a white door reads fire door keep shut
Building safety and asset management

PAS 9980: Fire risk appraisal and assessment of external wall construction and cladding consultation – our response

We have submitted our response to the government’s consultation on the new code of practice for fire risk appraisal and assessment of external wall construction and cladding of existing blocks of flats.

17 June 2021

Risk and assurance: A guide for housing association boards

Risk and assurance: A guide for housing association boards

This new publication brings together the links between risk, control and assurance from a governance perspective into a practical handbook...

17 June 2021

Semi-detached houses line a leafy streetSemi-detached houses line a leafy street
Quality of homes

Our response to the Housing Ombudsman’s call for evidence on damp and mould

The Housing Ombudsman has asked for evidence about damp and mould in social housing. This is the response of the National Housing Federation to that call for evidence.

08 June 2021

The pointed roof of a house being constructedThe pointed roof of a house being constructed
Shared ownership
Supply of new homes
Affordable home ownership

The new model of shared ownership and First Homes – changes to planning policy

The government has provided further details on the new shared ownership model and First Homes programme. We’ve summarised the key information and how this will affect planning policy. 

03 June 2021

Breakfast with familyBreakfast with family

How can we keep children and young people safe and support them to achieve their potential?

Exploring the impact of the pandemic and other factors such as temporary and overcrowded housing on adverse childhood experiences and the role of housing associations in ensuring they "see the child" in service design and delivery. Description

27 May 2021

Smiling people in a meeting room with bottles of water on the tableSmiling people in a meeting room with bottles of water on the table
Smaller housing associations

Succession planning and board recruitment for smaller housing associations

The first in a series of webinars delivered as part of our new extra governance support for smaller housing associations explores succession planning and board recruitment.

21 May 2021

Houses of ParliamentHouses of Parliament
Building safety and asset management
Supply of new homes

Queen's Speech 2021 - briefing for housing associations

The Queen’s Speech set out the government’s priorities and legislative agenda for the coming year.

20 May 2021

Older people catching upOlder people catching up
Together with tenants

Together with Tenants: The journey so far, experiences of residents, staff and board members

Residents, housing associations and their board members share insights into their Together with Tenants journey and what we can learn as we take it forward within our own organisations.

18 May 2021

signing contractsigning contract

Guidance on possession proceedings and evictions

We’ve summarised changes on evictions and notice periods that will come into force from June 2021

13 May 2021

Lower Furlong, in Sharnbrook, Bedfordshire. Completed in 2018, this is Hastoe’s most recently certified Passivhaus development (accurate as of December 2020).Lower Furlong, in Sharnbrook, Bedfordshire. Completed in 2018, this is Hastoe’s most recently certified Passivhaus development (accurate as of December 2020).
Climate change

The Sixth Carbon Budget: a briefing for housing associations

This briefing explains what the Sixth Carbon Budget is and the key implications for housing associations.

06 May 2021

Cleaning door handlesCleaning door handles

Coronavirus – updates on testing, vaccinations and easing lockdown

During this webinar we hear the latest advice and guidance on key coronavirus issues, particularly options for staff testing and the roadmap for easing lockdown as it relates to supported housing and general needs.

20 April 2021

Family doing a jigsawFamily doing a jigsaw
Universal credit and welfare reform

Universal Credit in a time of crisis

An exploration of rent collection and support by housing associations during the coronavirus crisis.

15 April 2021

An older woman sits in a chair talking to a smiling younger womanAn older woman sits in a chair talking to a smiling younger woman
Supported housing

Our submission to HCLG Committee inquiry into long-term funding of adult social care

We have submitted a response on behalf of the housing association sector to the Housing, Communities and Local Government (HCLG) Committee inquiry into the long-term funding of adult social care.

15 April 2021

An older man in a wheelchair smiles into the camera while a black labrador rests its head in his lapAn older man in a wheelchair smiles into the camera while a black labrador rests its head in his lap

NHF and Homeless Link webinar

During this webinar, we hear about good practice in housing management, partnerships and joint working as well as case studies from three social landlord providers involved in the delivery of Housing First. 

12 April 2021

Cat's at homeCat's at home
Shared ownership
Affordable home ownership

Shared ownership campaign transfer: updates on the NHF decision making, opportunities and ambitions for year two

We are delighted to announce that Full Communications have agreed to be the new campaign lead organisation.

09 April 2021

building new homes on developmentbuilding new homes on development
Shared ownership
Supply of new homes
Affordable home ownership

New model for shared ownership and First Homes - briefing for housing associations

Our briefing for NHF members on the recent government responses to consultations on new model for shared ownership and First Homes.

08 April 2021

Breakfast with familyBreakfast with family
Together with tenants
Smaller housing associations

Together with Tenants: tenant and resident engagement in smaller housing associations

Focusing on the practicalities of implementing Together with Tenants in smaller housing associations, hearing examples from organisations who are already on this journey.

30 March 2021

Solar panelsSolar panels
Climate change

Funding for green retrofitting

Hear directly from the government about funding opportunities for green retrofit work on housing association properties, focusing on plans for the Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund.

29 March 2021

Cooking at homeCooking at home
Together with tenants

Together with Tenants - quality webinar

Staff and residents from Rooftop Housing Group, Platform Housing Group and WHG reflect on their experiences and challenges so far, and as we consider how to truly embed Together with Tenants across the sector.

22 March 2021

Roof of the houses of parliament and Big Ben clock towerRoof of the houses of parliament and Big Ben clock tower
Supply of new homes
Supported housing
Universal credit and welfare reform
Domestic abuse
Climate change

Budget 2021: briefing for housing associations

Further detail on each of the key announcements from the Chancellor's Budget 2021, focused on our original calls: to build back safer, better, and stronger. 

10 March 2021

Worker in yellow hard hat on a construction siteWorker in yellow hard hat on a construction site
Building safety and asset management
Supply of new homes
Climate change

Green Paper: Transforming Public Procurement - our submission to the Cabinet Office

Submission based on feedback from procurement professionals working within the housing association sector, focusing on issues which might impact specifically on housing associations.

10 March 2021

A couple at home sit at the kitche table looking at a laptop and various paper billsA couple at home sit at the kitche table looking at a laptop and various paper bills
Together with tenants

Together with Tenants - voice, influence and accountability (webinar)

Following the launch and national rollout of Together with Tenants we are holding webinars on each of the six priorities. This webinar will focus on voice and influence and accountability.

01 March 2021

Walking home with a toddlerWalking home with a toddler
Diversity and equality

A history of LGBTQ+ housing in England

During LGBTQ+ History Month, we consider the role our sector plays in creating safe spaces for LGBTQ+ people to thrive.

25 February 2021

Several people discuss something in a small  groupSeveral people discuss something in a small  group
Together with tenants

Together with Tenants - relationships and communication (webinar)

Following the launch and national rollout of Together with Tenants we are holding webinars on each of the six priorities. This webinar focuses on the first two - relationships and communication.

22 February 2021

The pointed roof of a house being constructedThe pointed roof of a house being constructed
Supply of new homes

How many homes did housing associations build in quarter one 2020/21?

This briefing details the number of homes housing associations developed in the first quarter of 2020/21, plus numbers delivered in the twelve months to June 2020.

17 February 2021

A line of red-bricked terraced housesA line of red-bricked terraced houses

The winter national lockdown – key points for housing associations

What the lockdown means for housing associations and supported housing.

15 February 2021

A young couple with young children on the sofaA young couple with young children on the sofa

New board member induction

This webinar is aimed at new board members who are new to the housing sector and would like a firmer grip on the housing world.

09 February 2021

Affordable home ownership

Evaluation of Midlands Voluntary Right to Buy pilot

08 February 2021

An older man sat at home on the phone - he is smilingAn older man sat at home on the phone - he is smiling

Strategies to support mental health

The coronavirus pandemic has pushed every social landlord to ask the question, how can we better support the mental health of residents and staff? This webinar explores three different approaches across general needs and supported housing.

03 February 2021

A view of high rise blocks of flatsA view of high rise blocks of flats
Building safety and asset management

RICS EWS1 consultation response

Read our submission to the RICS consultation on the valuation of properties in multi-storey, multi-occupancy residential buildings with cladding.

28 January 2021

Rural viewRural view
Rural housing

The future of rural housing communities

Reflections on how new rural housing policy, demographic changes, the current economic climate and the coronavirus crisis is creating both opportunities and challenges for rural housing associations.

27 January 2021

Cleaning door handlesCleaning door handles

Critical worker criteria

Guidance for housing association staff and schools working to ensure critical key workers can remain at work, and schools are able to keep children and staff safe.

20 January 2021

Webinar thumbnail imageWebinar thumbnail image

Securing Directors and Officers Liability Insurance

The National Housing Federation is working with PIB Insurance Broker to support our members to procure Directors and Officers Liability Insurance from 1 April 2021.

15 January 2021

Looking up at two blocks of flatsLooking up at two blocks of flats
Building safety and asset management

RICS consultation on EWS1 forms

Member briefing on the proposed guidance from RICS on the future application of the External Wall System (EWS1) form.

15 January 2021

Roof of the houses of parliament and Big Ben clock towerRoof of the houses of parliament and Big Ben clock tower

Spring Budget 2021: National Housing Federation submission

We're asking the government to create jobs, boost the economy and improve people’s lives by building back safer, better and stronger.

14 January 2021

Fire alarmFire alarm

Smoke alarms in domestic properties

We have responded to an MHCLG consultation on domestic smoke and carbon monoxide alarms.

13 January 2021

Food being delivered to householdFood being delivered to household

Coronavirus tier system

As England returns to a tiered system of coronavirus restrictions, we've set our what it means for housing associations in all four tiers.

21 December 2020

family new homefamily new home
Shared ownership
Affordable home ownership

New shared ownership model – consultation response

Read our response to the MHCLG consultation on a proposed new model of shared ownership.

17 December 2020

Cat's at homeCat's at home

Influencing insights - media relations (webinar)

Charlotte Deshmukh, Public Relations Manager at the National Housing Federation provides an update on the latest news and insight from the NHF and discussed managing reputation and dealing with local and national media.

16 December 2020

Semi-detached houses line a leafy streetSemi-detached houses line a leafy street

What next with the Social Housing White Paper?

This webinar explores the implications of the white paper for the social housing sector and our residents, and how we can work best work with the government and the Regulator.

15 December 2020

signing contractsigning contract

Commitment to Refer - guidance for housing associations

Guidance for housing associations to implement the Commitment to Refer and help end homelessness.

15 December 2020

Person typing on computer keyboardPerson typing on computer keyboard

VAT grouping consultation – NHF response

HM Treasury issued a Call for Evidence last month in relation to VAT grouping. We have responded and recommended that the UK does not introduce compulsory VAT grouping.

10 December 2020

The pointed roof of a house being constructedThe pointed roof of a house being constructed
Supply of new homes

Raising accessibility standards for new homes

We submitted our response to the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government’s accessibility standards for new homes consultation.

10 December 2020

Higher Shippon in Cheriton Bishop, Devon. Completed in 2019 and built to A.E.C.B. standard.Higher Shippon in Cheriton Bishop, Devon. Completed in 2019 and built to A.E.C.B. standard.
Climate change

Research report: where are housing associations on the path to net zero?

Research report outlines where housing associations are on the path to net zero carbon emissions.

10 December 2020

People sat in a row in front of a window enjoying an eventPeople sat in a row in front of a window enjoying an event
Diversity and equality

Equality, diversity and inclusion report launch (webinar)

Join us for this NHF member only webinar to discuss the Insight Report findings and how we can work together as a sector to make change happen.

09 December 2020

Front view of terraced town housesFront view of terraced town houses
Domestic abuse

How housing associations are responding to increases in domestic abuse

This webinar explores responses by housing associations to the rise in domestic abuse during the lockdowns and what we can learn as the pandemic continues.

08 December 2020

A row of new terraced housesA row of new terraced houses
Supply of new homes

How many homes did housing associations build in 2019/20?

This briefing details the number of homes housing associations developed in 2019/20.

04 December 2020

building new homes on developmentbuilding new homes on development
Supply of new homes

How many homes did housing associations build in quarter three 2019/20?

This briefing details the number of homes housing associations developed in the third quarter of 2019/20.

04 December 2020

A woman sits on a bed with two children, holding one close and looking very concernedA woman sits on a bed with two children, holding one close and looking very concerned

Research report on how housing associations use the Housing First model and recommendations for delivery

This report explores how housing associations are using the Housing First model as a means to address homelessness.

02 December 2020

Person washing handsPerson washing hands

Our response to coronavirus and current priorities

Housing associations are working closely with residents, local government, the NHS and others to respond to the coronavirus crisis.

02 December 2020

Houses of ParliamentHouses of Parliament
Building safety and asset management
Supply of new homes
Universal credit and welfare reform
Climate change

Spending Review 2020 - Briefing for housing associations

Our briefing provides an overview of the government's spending plans relevant to housing associations.

02 December 2020

Cleaning door handlesCleaning door handles

Coronavirus testing, winter planning and infection control in supported housing settings (webinar)

This webinar focused on operating whole scheme testing, partnership working, clinical governance and infection prevention, dealing with staffing pressures and Test and Trace. Housing associations share their strategies for protecting residents and staff and there will be plenty of time for questions.

30 November 2020

Houses of ParliamentHouses of Parliament
Together with tenants

Social Housing White Paper – member briefing

A summary of the key measures in the Social Housing White Paper, setting out the NHF’s view, detailing the measures in each chapter and our responses to these, and outlining next steps.

30 November 2020

People sat in a row in front of a window enjoying an eventPeople sat in a row in front of a window enjoying an event
Diversity and equality

Equality, diversity and inclusion in housing association staff in England

Our report taking a look at how equality, diversity and inclusion looks within the housing association sector. 

30 November 2020

Houses of ParliamentHouses of Parliament
Together with tenants

The Social Housing White Paper (webinar)

The government has published the Social Housing White Paper which sets out a ‘charter for social housing residents’ and aims to deliver the improvement in transparency and accountability promised in the 2018 green paper.

26 November 2020

Cooking at homeCooking at home

Introducing the Code of Governance 2020 (webinar)

This webinar set out the changes in the new Code of Governance 2020, why we made those changes, and discusses what compliance and best practice looks like for different members.

18 November 2020

BedZed eco-friendly housesBedZed eco-friendly houses
Climate change

Decarbonising heat in homes

Read our response to the BEIS Select Committee inquiry into decarbonisation.

17 November 2020

Together with tenants

Together with Tenants (residents webinar)

This webinar is an opportunity for residents to come together and hear more about Together with Tenants and our plans for change.

16 November 2020

Contract Management (2nd edition)
Building safety and asset management

Contract Management (2nd edition)

This comprehensive guide from the National Housing Federation provides practical advice on implementing all the stages of contract management, from...

16 November 2020

Code of Governance 2020

Code of Governance 2020

The 2020 Code of Governance is designed to help housing associations achieve the highest standards of governance and board excellence.

12 November 2020

Aerial view of roofs in a housing estateAerial view of roofs in a housing estate
Supply of new homes

Planning for the future - our consultation response

We’ve produced a briefing for members which sets out our response to the government’s consultation on its white paper, Planning for the future.

05 November 2020

Diversity and equality

A history of BME Housing in Britain (webinar)

BME housing associations play a crucial role in providing quality housing for tenants of all backgrounds.

04 November 2020

Houses of ParliamentHouses of Parliament
Shared ownership
Affordable home ownership

2020 Spending Review - the role social housing can play in recovery

Our submission to the 2020 Spending Review sets out the vital role housing associations already play in delivering these priorities – and what action and investment we need from the government, now and in the long term, to deliver even more.

02 November 2020

European Union and Union Jack flags flying in front of the Houses of Parliament in LondonEuropean Union and Union Jack flags flying in front of the Houses of Parliament in London
Universal credit and welfare reform

What the EU Settlement Scheme means for housing associations, your staff and residents

Video interview with Corine Meier, Tenancy Sustainment Advisor at Gloucester City Homes and volunteer at Settled – an immigration advice charity – about the EU settlement scheme and what it means for housing associations, staff and residents.

28 October 2020

A couple at home sit at the kitche table looking at a laptop and various paper billsA couple at home sit at the kitche table looking at a laptop and various paper bills
Universal credit and welfare reform

Supporting residents and employees to apply to the EU Settlement Scheme – briefing

This briefing sets out changes affecting EU citizens living in the UK and how to support staff and residents to apply to the EUSS.

20 October 2020

Together with tenants

Lessons from early adopters: governance

This briefing shares experiences from three housing associations that have already adopted the Together with Tenants charter.

20 October 2020

Round blue sign on a white door reads fire door keep shutRound blue sign on a white door reads fire door keep shut
Building safety and asset management

Fire safety consultation response

Read our response to the Home Office’s fire safety consultation on behalf of NHF members.

13 October 2020

A woman sits on a bed with two children, holding one close and looking very concernedA woman sits on a bed with two children, holding one close and looking very concerned

Government review of the Homelessness Reduction Act

The government has published its response to submissions to its call for evidence on the Homelessness Act 2017.

08 October 2020

The pointed roof of a house being constructedThe pointed roof of a house being constructed

Proposed changes to the planning system – our consultation response

Our response to the government’s consultation on short-term changes to the planning system.

06 October 2020

Older couple relaxing together on the sofa with a cup of teaOlder couple relaxing together on the sofa with a cup of tea

Defined Benefit pensions consultation – NHF response

We’ve responded to the Pensions Regulator’s funding code of practice consultation on Defined Benefit pensions.

06 October 2020

Cat's at homeCat's at home

Housing associations as anchor institutions (webinar)

In this webinar, we explore how our sector can play a leading role in shaping a social and economic recovery from the coronavirus pandemic that benefits every community and leaves no one behind.

02 October 2020

Cat's at homeCat's at home

Measuring social value: guidance for housing associations

As not-for-profit landlords driven by social purpose, housing associations want to demonstrate social value to ensure the best outcomes for their residents.

01 October 2020

Several people discuss something in a small  groupSeveral people discuss something in a small  group

Housing associations as anchor institutions: a toolkit

This toolkit outlines how housing associations can contribute to local communities as community anchors and includes a wide range of practical advice and insight.

01 October 2020

Block of flats being builtBlock of flats being built
Supply of new homes

The benefits of a long term affordable housing programme (webinar)

In this webinar we explore two recently published pieces of research that evidence the impact that a long term affordable housing programme would have.

01 October 2020

Fire alarm on wallFire alarm on wall
Building safety and asset management
Smaller housing associations

Building safety for smaller housing associations (webinar)

This webinar will talk through the key building safety issues for smaller housing associations.

28 September 2020

Roof of the houses of parliament and Big Ben clock towerRoof of the houses of parliament and Big Ben clock tower

Comprehensive Spending Review 2020 submission

Investment in social housing can boost the economy, create jobs and opportunities across the country, support the continuing fight against the virus and improve peoples’ lives at a time when our nation needs it most.

24 September 2020

The pointed roof of a house being constructedThe pointed roof of a house being constructed
Shared ownership
Supply of new homes
Affordable home ownership

Affordable Homes Programme - what does it mean?

We talk to MHCLG and Homes England about the 2021-26 Affordable Homes Programme (AHP) and how it plans to build up to 180,000 new homes. 

22 September 2020

Houses of ParliamentHouses of Parliament

The 2020 Comprehensive Spending Review - webinar

We will be preparing a formal submission to the upcoming Spending Review setting out the key ask of the sector. This webinar sets out the key elements of our submission, and provide an opportunity for members to input and feedback.

18 September 2020

Aerial view of village surrounded by fieldsAerial view of village surrounded by fields

How social housing can support settled futures for Gypsy and Traveller communities (interview)

An interview with Ria Armstrong at Teign Housing about the role social housing can play in settled futures for Gypsy and Traveller communities.

18 September 2020

Cooking at homeCooking at home
Domestic abuse

How partnership working can help housing associations tackle domestic abuse (interview)

A video interview with Calico Group CEO Anthony Duerden and Alex Atkinson, Head of Support Services at SafeNet about how they work together to tackle domestic abuse.

18 September 2020

Service charges and rentcharges: a guide for social housing landlords (6th edition)

Service charges and rentcharges: a guide for social housing landlords (6th edition)

The updated 6th edition of this service charges guide from the National Housing Federation supports the planning and delivery of...

15 September 2020

Supply of new homes

People in housing need 2020

A comprehensive analysis of the scale and shape of housing need in England today

15 September 2020

Worker in yellow hard hat on a construction siteWorker in yellow hard hat on a construction site
Building safety and asset management

Draft Building Safety Bill – HCLG committee submission

The NHF submitted a response to the Housing, Communities and Local Government Select Committee as part of their pre-legislative scrutiny of the draft Building Safety Bill.

14 September 2020

Block of flats being builtBlock of flats being built
Building safety and asset management

Understanding the draft Building Safety Bill (webinar)

What are the implications of this legislation for housing associations and how can the sector continue to implement the new regulatory system for building safety?

11 September 2020

Front view of terraced town housesFront view of terraced town houses
Climate change

New NHF research highlights barriers to retrofitting homes

There are significant challenges to overcome if housing associations are to deliver an ambitious retrofit programme and become net zero in terms of carbon emissions by 2050. To understand these challenges better, we conducted a survey of housing associations over August 2020 to identify the major barriers and obstacles to retrofit.

10 September 2020

Board meetingBoard meeting

New board member induction (webinar)

If you’re new to the sector and you’d like a firmer grip on the housing world, join the National Housing Federation at this Board Member Induction webinar.

09 September 2020

two people talking in a hometwo people talking in a home
Supported housing

Easing lockdown in supported housing settings (webinar)

This webinar will focus on balancing resident and staff safety with reopening schemes, including when to allow visitors, how to reopen communal facilities safely, and dealing with local lockdowns.

04 September 2020

Rough sleepingRough sleeping

Helping people with No Recourse to Public Funds avoid homelessness: what housing associations can do

We've produced a briefing which provides examples of what housing associations can do to help people with No Recourse to Public Funds from returning to rough sleeping.

27 August 2020

man entering accessible homeman entering accessible home
Supported housing

Report on developing new supported housing for people with long-term care and support needs

We have been working with the Housing Learning and Improvement Network to identify the key barriers to developing new supported housing for people with long-term care and support needs, and how these can be overcome.

27 August 2020

Aerial view of roofs in a housing estateAerial view of roofs in a housing estate
Supply of new homes

Planning white paper webinar

In this webinar we provide an overview of the recently launched planning white paper, outline the key issues for our sector and answer your questions.

26 August 2020

Sticker on floor reminding people to stand two metres apartSticker on floor reminding people to stand two metres apart

Top tips for housing associations operating during a local lockdown

We've put together some top tips for housing associations operating during a local lockdown.

26 August 2020

A couple at home sit at the kitche table looking at a laptop and various paper billsA couple at home sit at the kitche table looking at a laptop and various paper bills

How housing associations are supporting tenancy sustainment and income collection through the coronavirus crisis

How housing associations are supporting tenancy sustainment and income collection through the coronavirus crisis.

26 August 2020

An A4 print out displayed in a door window with NHS information about coronavirusAn A4 print out displayed in a door window with NHS information about coronavirus

Briefing on the financial impact of the coronavirus crisis on supported housing providers

This briefing summarises the key findings from our survey about the potential implications for the supported housing sector from coronavirus.

26 August 2020

Fire alarm on wallFire alarm on wall
Building safety and asset management

Fire safety consultation

This briefing summarises proposals set out in the government’s fire safety consultation, published on 20 July 2020.

26 August 2020

An older man sat at home on the phone - he is smilingAn older man sat at home on the phone - he is smiling

Operating during local lockdowns (webinar)

Best practice for members on managing local lockdowns in areas where they operate. 

18 August 2020

The pointed roof of a house being constructedThe pointed roof of a house being constructed
Supply of new homes

Planning for the Future white paper briefing

We’re seeking member views on the planning reforms proposed in the government’s new white paper and accompanying short-term consultation.

14 August 2020

Fire alarm on wallFire alarm on wall
Building safety and asset management

Briefings on the draft Building Safety Bill

We’re seeking member feedback on the proposed changes in the Bill. 

13 August 2020

Hands signing paperworkHands signing paperwork

Housing Ombudsman update: lessons learned during Coronavirus and beyond

In this webinar, the Housing Ombudsman provides an overview of their approach during the coronavirus pandemic and outlines the new complaints handling code and what it means for housing associations.

13 August 2020

Cooking at homeCooking at home

Providing Housing First as a social landlord

This webinar brings together social landlords in conversation around what has worked to make their Housing First service successful.

13 August 2020

Person typing on computer keyboardPerson typing on computer keyboard

Environmental, Social and Governance reporting white paper – consultation response

We have responded to the white paper on creating a sector-standard approach to Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) reporting.

12 August 2020

Code of GovernanceCode of Governance

Code of Governance: final consultation

See our final consultation on a new code of governance for housing associations.

05 August 2020

An A4 print out displayed in a door window with NHS information about coronavirusAn A4 print out displayed in a door window with NHS information about coronavirus
Quality of homes

Why modern methods of construction are essential for recovery post-COVID (webinar)

Join Rt Hon Chris Pincher MP who discussed ‘why MMC are an essential part of recovery post-COVID'.

30 July 2020

constituency data sheet previewconstituency data sheet preview

Constituency data sheet

See how much an average home costs in your area and compare this with how much people earn and other useful data.

27 July 2020

Line of redbrick terraced housesLine of redbrick terraced houses

Home Truths

Get the latest data on affordability, unemployment and shortfall in housing supply where you are.

27 July 2020

A tent pitched up next to a canal by front of a wall covered in graffitiA tent pitched up next to a canal by front of a wall covered in graffiti

Briefing on new £266m fund for housing rough sleepers

See more on the government's Next Steps Accommodation Programme.

24 July 2020

An A4 print out displayed in a door window with NHS information about coronavirusAn A4 print out displayed in a door window with NHS information about coronavirus

The ‘new normal’ - board excellence in recovery from the crisis (webinar)

Following on from May’s webinar on board excellence in a crisis, this webinar shifts focus to the ‘new normal’ and what boards should be discussing in recovery from the crisis.

24 July 2020

Solar panelsSolar panels
Quality of homes
Supply of new homes
Climate change

Retrofitting to net zero (webinar)

We know that the housing sector faces real challenges in cutting carbon emissions, and there are significant obstacles to overcome. But now is the time for us to build back better.

23 July 2020

Cleaning door handlesCleaning door handles

Community safety in a pandemic: building partnerships and keeping neighbourhoods safe (webinar)

This pandemic has driven people indoors and transformed the way that social landlords work with communities, as well as increasing pressures in those communities.

17 July 2020

Homes at the Heart campaign supporter graphic for TwitterHomes at the Heart campaign supporter graphic for Twitter

Homes at the Heart campaign update (webinar)

During this webinar you will hear from the partner organisations about how the campaign is going so far, where it is going next and how you can help to amplify this crucial message.

15 July 2020

A couple at home sit at the kitche table looking at a laptop and various paper billsA couple at home sit at the kitche table looking at a laptop and various paper bills
Universal credit and welfare reform

Universal Credit survey: how is the coronavirus crisis affecting rent arrears?

To understand this further, we are running a short monthly survey to monitor the impact of coronavirus on rent arrears and any relationship this may have with Universal Credit.

15 July 2020

An A4 print out displayed in a door window with NHS information about coronavirusAn A4 print out displayed in a door window with NHS information about coronavirus

Staff and tenant care during coronavirus (webinar)

Coronavirus has changed the way we all work and the way housing associations engage with their tenants. What action can Members take to support the wellbeing of tenants and staff throughout this uncertain period?

15 July 2020

Family moving inFamily moving in

New guidance on social housing prioritisation for veterans

The Housing Minister has announced new measures to improve access to social housing for members of the armed forces, veterans and their families.

02 July 2020

Homes at the Heart campaign supporter graphic for TwitterHomes at the Heart campaign supporter graphic for Twitter

Why homes must be at the heart of recovery - factsheet

This factsheet contains data on life in lockdown (the effects of coronavirus), improving the quality of homes for the future, and how investment in social housing can make the difference

01 July 2020

Homes at the Heart campaign supporter graphic for TwitterHomes at the Heart campaign supporter graphic for Twitter

Housing issues during lockdown: health, space and overcrowding

A briefing on research supporting the Homes at the Heart campaign.

01 July 2020

Semi-detached houses line a leafy streetSemi-detached houses line a leafy street
Climate change

NHF submissions to Labour's National Policy Forum Consultation 2020

30 June 2020

Block of flats being builtBlock of flats being built
Building safety and asset management

The future of building safety with Dame Judith Hackitt (webinar)

We are delighted that Dame Judith was able to join us for this webinar to share her vision for a housing association sector with a culture of safety and discuss her role in leading the transition to a new Building Safety Regulator.

30 June 2020

Rainbow picture in windowRainbow picture in window
Supported housing

Supported housing funding during coronavirus

We have put together a list of current funding streams available, while we continue to push for long-term support funding.

24 June 2020

Photo of new homes with solar panelsPhoto of new homes with solar panels
Climate change

Our submission to the Energy Efficiency of Existing Homes Inquiry

Housing associations are fully committed to making sure that quality, sustainability and long-term value are at the heart of constructing new homes, and that existing homes are made cleaner and greener.

23 June 2020

Man sat at desk at home with a laptop and a piece of paper while two children play on the rug behind himMan sat at desk at home with a laptop and a piece of paper while two children play on the rug behind him
Universal credit and welfare reform

Research report on the claimant experience of Universal Credit – and how to improve it

This research report features one of the largest surveys of Universal Credit claimants ever conducted.

19 June 2020

An older man in a wheelchair smiles into the camera while a black labrador rests its head in his lapAn older man in a wheelchair smiles into the camera while a black labrador rests its head in his lap

How housing associations and local authorities can work together to rehouse rough sleepers (webinar)

This webinar brings together speakers from the housing association and local authority sectors to discuss how this can be achieved through partnership working

18 June 2020

The pointed roof of a house being constructedThe pointed roof of a house being constructed
Supply of new homes

Report on the impact of long-term funding on the construction sector

We've published a report that shows how long-term funding for affordable housing could unlock investment in skills and technology to increase productivity.

18 June 2020

The pointed roof of a house being constructedThe pointed roof of a house being constructed
Building safety and asset management

Building a Safer Future - member briefing on the government's response

Briefing for NHF members on the government's response to the Building a Safer Future consultation. 

12 June 2020

Case study

Easing lockdown case study: Sovereign's approach to lettings

In this video, Kelly McArthur shares Sovereign’s approach to managing voids and lettings in a socially distanced way as Coronavirus lockdown eases.

12 June 2020

Smiling workmen in overalls are greeted by a coupleSmiling workmen in overalls are greeted by a couple
Case study

Easing lockdown case study: Radian repairs

In this video, Peter Hall, Interim Director of Commercial Services at Radian, shares Radian's approach to repairs and maintenance as lockdown eases.

11 June 2020

Coronavirus letter from governmentCoronavirus letter from government

The impact of coronavirus on Universal Credit (webinar)

Coronavirus has already had a dramatic impact on jobs and incomes and we will be living with the economic impact of the crisis for years to come. Government response has been to support people’s incomes and millions have made a claim for Universal Credit.

10 June 2020

Board meetingBoard meeting

Virtual AGMs – guidance for housing associations

We’ve compiled some guidance for housing associations that are considering holding a virtual AGM during the coronavirus outbreak.

08 June 2020

Sticker on floor reminding people to stand two metres apartSticker on floor reminding people to stand two metres apart
Case study

Easing lockdown case study: Prima Group’s Coronavirus Recovery Plan

John Ghader, chief executive of Prima Group, shares an overview of how Prima Group is approaching the easing of lockdown restrictions.

08 June 2020

Sticker on floor reminding people to stand two metres apartSticker on floor reminding people to stand two metres apart
Climate change

Coronavirus: our plan for housing's role in social and economic recovery

Housing associations have played a central part in the country’s coronavirus response and now social housing must be at the heart of the national recovery.

04 June 2020

Cleaning door handlesCleaning door handles

Coronavirus and recovery (webinar)

We're working with you to understand the role our sector can play in supporting communities and the economy emerge from the coronavirus crisis. Here, we share the themes we have identified to meet this ambition and outline our emerging proposals, discuss our national influencing agenda and our work with the government and stakeholders.

03 June 2020

View of new build homes with a pathway in front of them and a blue sky behindView of new build homes with a pathway in front of them and a blue sky behind

Easing lockdown - an update for housing associations update (webinar)

The government published its coronavirus recovery strategy on 11 May, setting out an indicative roadmap for the easing of lockdown restrictions. Hear the latest updates on guidance and what it means for housing associations.

28 May 2020

A woman sits on a bed with two children, holding one close and looking very concernedA woman sits on a bed with two children, holding one close and looking very concerned
Domestic abuse

Partnership working to house people in urgent need

Download resources on providing housing for domestic abuse survivors and rough sleepers.

28 May 2020

Cleaning door handlesCleaning door handles
Supported housing

The impact of coronavirus on sheltered and extra care housing (webinar)

In this webinar, members will highlight the key challenges facing providers of long-term supported housing services during the coronavirus outbreak and how they have dealt with them.

27 May 2020

A block of flats under construction with a crane next to itA block of flats under construction with a crane next to it
Building safety and asset management

Review of the ban on the use of combustible materials in and on the external walls of buildings, including attachments

We have submitted a response to the government's consultation on reviewing the ban on the use of combustible materials in and on new buildings.

22 May 2020

View down the road of a block of flats on the right and a tower block in the distance.View down the road of a block of flats on the right and a tower block in the distance.
Building safety and asset management

Fire Safety Bill and Grenfell Tower Public Inquiry recommendations – member briefing

We're seeking feedback from our members on implementing the Grenfell Tower Public Inquiry phase one recommendations.

22 May 2020

Coronavirus letter from governmentCoronavirus letter from government

Update for London housing associations (webinar)

Hear from Tom Copley, the Deputy Mayor for Housing at Greater London Authority and NHF CEO Kate Henderson about the sector's response to coronavirus.

21 May 2020

Domestic abuse

Domestic abuse - economic abuse and how we can identify and support victims (webinar)

In this webinar we hear from experts about economic abuse and how we can identify and support victims in housing association homes.

20 May 2020

A woman sits on a bed with two children, holding one close and looking very concernedA woman sits on a bed with two children, holding one close and looking very concerned
Domestic abuse

Emergency funding for homelessness providers

See all the latest information on funding for homelessness providers on this page. Please check back for updates.

18 May 2020

Fire alarmFire alarm
Building safety and asset management

Building safety for board members: latest updates and coronavirus response (webinar)

Crucial insight on current building safety issues, how housing associations are demonstrating compliance during the coronavirus outbreak, and updates from the government and the HSE.

12 May 2020

Cleaning door handlesCleaning door handles

Easing restrictions: supporting programmes

The government’s coronavirus recovery strategy contains details of a number of supporting programmes. We’ve summarised those relevant to housing associations.

12 May 2020

NHS rainbow picture in windowNHS rainbow picture in window

Easing restrictions from 1 June

We've summarised what the government's coronavirus recovery strategy and plans to ease restrictions from 1 June means for housing associations. 

12 May 2020

Sticker on floor reminding people to stand two metres apartSticker on floor reminding people to stand two metres apart

Easing restrictions from 13 May

We’ve summarised the key measures announced by the government for easing lockdown from 13 May, along with how they may affect housing associations and their residents.

12 May 2020

Food being delivered to householdFood being delivered to household

Ongoing restrictions

We’ve summarised the key measures introduced as part of lockdown which will remain as restrictions are eased, along with how they may affect housing associations and their residents.

12 May 2020

Birds eye view of residential areaBirds eye view of residential area

Working with suppliers during the coronavirus crisis

This article summarises Procurement Policy Note 02/20, a resource for thinking through how to engage with suppliers during the lockdown.

06 May 2020

A tent pitched up next to a canal by front of a wall covered in graffitiA tent pitched up next to a canal by front of a wall covered in graffiti

Preventing homelessness together - the next steps (webinar)

The coronavirus outbreak has helped highlight the need for care and homes for the country's homeless but we need to build momentum so the topic of homelessness remains front of mind after this time. See how our sector hopes to do this.

06 May 2020

Board excellence during the coronavirus crisisBoard excellence during the coronavirus crisis

Board excellence during the coronavirus crisis (webinar)

This webinar covers the role of the board during a crisis and how best to support staff and residents, making decisions at pace, monitoring what’s important and planning for the recovery period.

05 May 2020


Our submission to the HCLG Committee coronavirus inquiry on homelessness and the PRS

Read our submission to the HCLG Select Committee Inquiry on the impact of coronavirus on homelessness and rough sleeping.

01 May 2020

A block of flats under construction with a crane next to itA block of flats under construction with a crane next to it
Supply of new homes

First Homes – our consultation response

We have consulted with a wide range of our members and partners to form a sector-wide response to this consultation.

01 May 2020

Catch it kill it bin it signCatch it kill it bin it sign

How housing associations are using voids during the coronavirus crisis

New briefing shares examples of housing associations providing homes for those who need to move urgently.

01 May 2020

The pointed roof of a house being constructedThe pointed roof of a house being constructed
Building safety and asset management
Supply of new homes

Construction and remediation work during coronavirus

The Construction Leadership Council has issued updated guidance on construction site operating procedures during the coronavirus outbreak.

01 May 2020

NHS rainbow picture in windowNHS rainbow picture in window
Smaller housing associations

Coronavirus: finance and regulation for smaller housing associations (webinar)

This webinar will focus on the financial and regulatory implications of the coronavirus outbreak, including business planning and end of year accounts, with a particular emphasis on information for smaller housing associations.

01 May 2020

A woman sits on a bed with two children, holding one close and looking very concernedA woman sits on a bed with two children, holding one close and looking very concerned

Domestic abuse and coronavirus – guidelines for keeping residents safe

The government advice to stay at home presents a whole new set of challenges for residents experiencing domestic abuse.

01 May 2020

Housing - city scapeHousing - city scape

New guidance clarifies that essential moves can continue

New guidance from MHCLG and PHE clarifies that essential moves can continue.

30 April 2020


LIBOR-SONIA index - consultation response

We've responded to the Bank of England consultation on its proposals to produce a daily index to support the use of SONIA by simplifying the calcuation of interest rates.

22 April 2020

Sign on fire doorSign on fire door
Building safety and asset management

Latest updates on building safety: responding to coronavirus and recent government announcements (webinar)

This webinar explores the latest developments on building safety, in light of coronavirus and recent government announcements. 

16 April 2020

Sign on door with information on coronavirusSign on door with information on coronavirus

Coronavirus update for supported housing and homelessness members (webinar)

This webinar looks at issues specific to supported housing and homelessness services arising due to the coronavirus pandemic.

09 April 2020

An A4 print out displayed in a door window with NHS information about coronavirusAn A4 print out displayed in a door window with NHS information about coronavirus

All member webinar

Update on the NHF's work to shape the political and policy developments on the key issues affecting housing associations during the coronavirus crisis.

09 April 2020

An A4 print out displayed in a door window with NHS information about coronavirusAn A4 print out displayed in a door window with NHS information about coronavirus
Supported housing

Supported housing response to coronavirus: briefing and case studies

This briefing is to help supported housing providers who are on the frontline of the coronavirus crisis.

09 April 2020

Person typing on computer keyboardPerson typing on computer keyboard

Accounting considerations for housing associations – discussion document

We’ve produced a document outlining accounting considerations for housing associations for 2019/20 year end, focusing on the impact of coronavirus on impairment reviews of social housing, and McCloud and GMP Equalisation pensions accounting.

08 April 2020

Catch it kill it bin it signCatch it kill it bin it sign
Smaller housing associations

Responding to the coronavirus outbreak for smaller housing associations (webinar)

In this webinar, members of the National Housing Federation policy team shared the latest information for smaller associations followed by a Q&A with attendees.

03 April 2020

Sign on door with information on coronavirusSign on door with information on coronavirus

Regulator of Social Housing - Responding to coronavirus (webinar)

View our recent webinar with the Regulator of Social Housing about their response to the current crisis (member only).

02 April 2020

H.M. TreasuryH.M. Treasury

Spring Budget 2020 – NHF briefing

New briefing summarising the key housing announcements by the government.

26 March 2020


Pensions tax changes

The Spring Budget 2020 included some changes to pensions tax. Our pensions advisers ISIO outline the detail behind this, the implications for pension scheme members, and what your housing association should consider.

25 March 2020

Person typing on computer keyboardPerson typing on computer keyboard

Pensions update – Defined Benefit Funding Code Consultation

The Pensions Regulator issued its first consultation on the new Defined Benefit Funding Code on 3 March 2020. Our pensions advisers ISIO explain the detail behind it.

25 March 2020

housing estatehousing estate

Accounting for Voluntary Right to Buy sales

We've produced some guidance on accounting for Voluntary Right to Buy sales, in response to a number of queries we have received. 

19 March 2020

Cleaning door handlesCleaning door handles

Responding to coronavirus (webinar)

NHF members share best practice around preparing for and mitigating the impact of coronavirus on our residents and services.

18 March 2020

A block of flats under construction with a crane next to itA block of flats under construction with a crane next to it
Supply of new homes

Modern Methods of Construction – guidance on lending issue

Many housing associations are now considering using modern methods of construction, but some lenders are unwilling to allow properties built this way to be secured against their loans.

13 March 2020

A block of flats under construction with a crane next to itA block of flats under construction with a crane next to it
Building safety and asset management

Briefing on the review of the ban on the use of combustible materials

The government is consulting on proposals to change the requirements of building regulations relating to the use of combustible materials.

26 February 2020

A red fire extinguisher fixed to a white wallA red fire extinguisher fixed to a white wall
Building safety and asset management

Building safety for board members - what you need to know

This update for housing association board members gives an overview of the key building safety issues facing the sector.

25 February 2020

A view of high rise blocks of flatsA view of high rise blocks of flats
Building safety and asset management

Our submission to the call for evidence on risk prioritisation in existing buildings

In our sector submission, we set out why we support a risk-based approach to prioritising existing buildings for remediation. 

21 February 2020

New homes being builtNew homes being built

First Homes consultation briefing

This briefing summarises the government’s new First Homes policy, and outlines how you can share your views. 

13 February 2020

solar panels new homessolar panels new homes
Quality of homes
Climate change

The Future Homes Standard – our consultation response

The government has started consulting on a new Future Homes Standard. Read our response to the first of two consultations.

11 February 2020

Person typing on computer keyboardPerson typing on computer keyboard

Credit adjustment spread methods - consultation response

This consultation from the Bank of England’s Risk-Free Rate Working Group focuses on credit adjustment spread methodologies for fallbacks in cash products referencing GBP LIBOR.

07 February 2020

Blocks of flatsBlocks of flats
Building safety and asset management

Risk prioritisation in existing buildings – a call for evidence

We want to hear your views on the government's call for evidence on risk-based prioritisation of existing buildings. 

06 February 2020

Older people catching upOlder people catching up
Universal credit and welfare reform

Definition for specified accommodation

Briefing to explain the definition of specified accommodation and new regulations

28 January 2020

solar panels new homessolar panels new homes
Climate change

Taking stock: Understanding the quality and energy efficiency of housing association homes

27 January 2020

Person typing on computer keyboardPerson typing on computer keyboard

Pensions accounting guidance

The NHF, in partnership with other sector leaders, have issued guidance to enable housing associations to defined benefit account the Social Housing Pension Scheme and the Scottish Housing Association Pension Scheme for the first time.

27 January 2020

Homes under constructionHomes under construction
Supply of new homes

How many homes did housing associations build in 2018/19?

This briefing details the number of homes housing associations developed in 2018/19.

24 January 2020

Jonathan Walters is Deputy Chief Executive at the Regulator of Social HousingJonathan Walters is Deputy Chief Executive at the Regulator of Social Housing

Understanding and meeting regulatory requirements (webinar)

This webinar will support boards in considering and planning how their organisations can stay ahead of changes to the regulatory agenda.

23 January 2020

European Union and Union Jack flags flying in front of the Houses of Parliament in LondonEuropean Union and Union Jack flags flying in front of the Houses of Parliament in London

Brexit: latest information (January 2020)

An update on Brexit taking into account the changed political environment.

23 January 2020

Worker in yellow hard hat on a construction siteWorker in yellow hard hat on a construction site
Affordable home ownership

Response to government consultation on new shared ownership model

We support proposals to improve the experience of shared ownership customers.

19 January 2020

building new homes on developmentbuilding new homes on development
Supply of new homes

How many homes did housing associations build in quarter two 2019/20?

Survey results show the number of homes built by housing associations in quarter two 2019/20.

15 January 2020

big ben government homebig ben government home

The Lobbying Act

Our briefing provides advice on the restrictions on campaigning and lobbying in relation to national elections.

13 January 2020

fire exit signfire exit sign
Building safety and asset management

Grenfell Tower Public Inquiry Phase 1 Report

Our member briefing explains what the findings of the Grenfell Tower Public Inquiry Phase 1 Report could mean for housing associations.

13 January 2020

Block of flats being builtBlock of flats being built
Building safety and asset management

Building a Safer Future – implications for development teams

Our briefing will help housing association development teams to understand the implications of the government’s proposed new building safety regime.

13 January 2020

People moving into their new homePeople moving into their new home

Rent Standard 2020

Stay up to date with the changes to the Rent Standard, allowing for rent increases up to CPI+1% each year. 

10 January 2020

Aerial view of village surrounded by fieldsAerial view of village surrounded by fields
Supply of new homes

Reform of development corporations consultation response

The Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government recently consulted on reforms to development corporations.

24 December 2019


Homes for the Oxford-Cambridge Arc

New report promotes the role of housing associations in the Oxford-Cambridge Arc in helping the region to develop and grow.

09 December 2019

Big Benbig ben government home

Swing voters and housing policy

Survey shows housing is a top issue for swing voters, second only to health.

06 December 2019

A view of high rise blocks of flatsA view of high rise blocks of flats
Building safety and asset management

Sprinklers and other fire safety measures in new high-rise blocks of flats

Read our response to the Government's proposals on sprinklers and other fire safety measures. 

29 November 2019

Housing FuturesHousing Futures

Housing Futures: identifying a problem (webinar)

This is the first in our Housing Futures webinar series, which focuses on the Identify phase of the innovation process. In this webinar you will learn about the importance of collaboration and discover the key behaviours, techniques and tools you need to successfully identify a problem.

21 November 2019

Sign on fire doorSign on fire door
Building safety and asset management

Hackitt Review briefing

The key findings of the review of building regulation and fire safety.

11 November 2019

building new homes on developmentbuilding new homes on development
Supply of new homes
Smaller housing associations

Development guide for smaller housing associations

Specifically tailored for smaller housing associations, this guide to development describes each stage of the process and outlinea useful project management techniques.

06 November 2019

taking kids outtaking kids out
Together with tenants

Together with Tenants - updates and reflections

29 October 2019

man entering accessible homeman entering accessible home

Green Paper on NHS prevention - response

Read our response to the Government’s proposed approach to putting prevention at the centre of healthcare.

28 October 2019

New build homesNew build homes
Quality of homes
Supply of new homes

Building Better, Building Beautiful Commission interim report response

We’ve responded to the Building Better, Building Beautiful Commission’s consultation after it sought feedback on its interim report.

23 October 2019

Cooking at homeCooking at home
Diversity and equality

Homes for BME Communities

We've been working with BME National to highlight how the government can work with the housing sector to improve housing for BME communities in England.

16 October 2019

Houses of ParliamentHouses of Parliament

Homelessness Reduction Act call for evidence

Our response covers several key recommendations, including that the Government must tackle the root causes of homelessness – lack of supply, welfare, and support.

15 October 2019

team meetingteam meeting

Working together to end homelessness

How local authorities and housing associations can work together to end homelessness.

08 October 2019

53 week rent a year53 week rent a year

The affordability of private rental properties

Our research shows 9 out of 10 homes for rent are unaffordable for families on housing benefit.

06 October 2019

construction siteconstruction site
Supply of new homes

How many homes did housing associations build in quarter one 2019/20?

Briefing details the number of homes housing associations developed in the first quarter of 2019/20.

01 October 2019

Couple sorting billsCouple sorting bills
Universal credit and welfare reform

We want the government to fix flaws in the Universal Credit system

We’ve joined the other UK housing federations, Community Housing Cymru, Scottish Federation of Housing Associations and Northern Ireland Federation of Housing Associations to lobby the government for changes to the system.

01 October 2019

residents togetherresidents together
Together with tenants

Together with Tenants - get ready for rollout

What are the key questions you should be asking within your organisation ahead of the 2020 rollout? 

24 September 2019

building new homes on developmentbuilding new homes on development

Making the most of your Federation membership

Are you making the most of your Federation membership? Find out with our member benefits checklist.

23 September 2019

European Union and Union Jack flags flying in front of the Houses of Parliament in LondonEuropean Union and Union Jack flags flying in front of the Houses of Parliament in London

Preparing for Brexit - briefing for members

This briefing sets out the key challenges Brexit may bring for housing associations and how the sector can prepare.

18 September 2019

A red fire extinguisher fixed to a white wallA red fire extinguisher fixed to a white wall
Building safety and asset management

Building a safer future consultation response

The government has proposed a fundamental reform of the building regulatory system, as outlined in the Building a Safer Future consultation.

30 July 2019

Older people catching upOlder people catching up
Together with tenants

Together with Tenants revised plan and charter

View the Together with Tenants plan early adopter organisations are testing and evaluating. 

24 July 2019


Risk and assurance (webinar)

This webinar explores the role of board members in managing risk and assurance.

23 July 2019

New build homesNew build homes
Quality of homes
Supply of new homes

Building Better, Building Beautiful consultation submission

11 June 2019

A red fire extinguisher fixed to a white wallA red fire extinguisher fixed to a white wall
Building safety and asset management

Technical review of Approved Document B

Read the NHF submission to the government’s consultation on fire safety guidance.

04 March 2019


Mortgagee Protection Clause - amended GLA version

The Greater London Authority has issued a new version of the model mortgagee protection clause, which has been revised following discussions with housing associations and sector specialists.

20 February 2019

A line of red-bricked terraced housesA line of red-bricked terraced houses

Poverty and housing in the private rented sector

Research by the National Housing Federation has revealed that there are now an estimated 1.3 million children living in poverty in privately rented homes in England, an increase of 537,325 children (69%) since 2008.

31 January 2019

A couple at home sit at the kitche table looking at a laptop and various paper billsA couple at home sit at the kitche table looking at a laptop and various paper bills
Universal credit and welfare reform

Research on income collection: Housing association changes in response to Universal Credit

Research into any changes our members have made to pre-tenancy and income collection policies and processes in response to Universal Credit. We want to share the learnings from other housing associations regarding approaches they feel work when it comes to the new benefit system.

01 January 2019

Houses of ParliamentHouses of Parliament
Building safety and asset management
Together with tenants

The Social Housing Green Paper – our response

We’ve published our response, on behalf of the sector, along with a seven-point summary of our key recommendations.

06 November 2018


Document retention and disposal for housing associations

This document explains the requirements to retain and dispose of data for housing associations and provides guidance on appropriate data handling and disposal.

22 October 2018

Housing SORP: 2018 update

Housing SORP: 2018 update

This revised edition reflects the relevant changes to FRS 102 as well as clarifying some other areas of the previous version...

15 October 2018

Round blue sign on a white door reads fire door keep shutRound blue sign on a white door reads fire door keep shut
Building safety and asset management

Clarification of Approved Document B consultation

Read our response to the government’s consultation on the clarification of Approved Document B (ADB) of the Building Regulations.

07 October 2018

Blocks of flatsBlocks of flats
Building safety and asset management

MHCLG consultation on banning the use of combustible materials in the external walls of high-rise residential buildings

We  support the overall proposal to ban the use of combustible materials in cladding systems on high-rise buildings. But we recognise that such a ban will not be simple to implement and careful consideration of unintended consequences is required.

13 August 2018

Couple sorting paperwork at tableCouple sorting paperwork at table

Anti-money laundering guidance

This guide aims to ensure that members are compliant with the legislation and to protect them from the effects of money laundering.

10 July 2018

Person typing on computer keyboardPerson typing on computer keyboard

Consumer credit authorisation - guidance for housing associations

The aim of this guidance is to assist housing associations both in applying legislation to their businesses and in understanding how and when to get authorised for consumer credit/FCA regulated activities, where appropriate.

04 July 2018

Board Appraisal: The importance of honest conversations

Board Appraisal: The importance of honest conversations

This guide from the National Housing Federation explores why board appraisals are vital in ensuring high quality performance and delivering...

12 June 2018

Aerial view of a rural villageAerial view of a rural village
Rural housing
Supply of new homes

Affordable housing saving rural services: rural life monitor 2017

Our report illustrates how building affordable homes in rural areas can help to maintain vital services for local communities.

13 November 2017


Example Standard Mortgagee Protection Clause

A Securitisation Working Group (SWG) made up of various sector stakeholders has formulated an example mortgagee protection clause.

09 April 2017

Countering Fraud

Countering Fraud

Written by counter-fraud specialists RSM, this book from the National Housing Federation provides practical advice on how to make your...

23 March 2017

Sandbags piled up against the front door to a residental property, protecting the home from the surrounding flood water.Sandbags piled up against the front door to a residental property, protecting the home from the surrounding flood water.
Climate change

Flooding toolkit

Case studies, timelines, template packs and top tips to help manage in the event of a flood. 

08 December 2016

Housing Jargon

Housing Jargon

The 8th edition of Housing Jargon provides simple definitions for abbreviations, acronyms and acts and includes terms from housing finance,...

24 February 2016

Housing Standards Handbook
Supply of new homes

Housing Standards Handbook

Handbook from the National Housing Federation reflecting the latest standards and best practice in housing standards.

12 January 2016

A row of new terraced housesA row of new terraced houses

Mergers, Group Structures and Partnerships: a voluntary code for housing associations

This code gives housing associations a framework for mergers, group structures or other partnerships.

15 December 2015

Understanding Development Appraisal
Supply of new homes

Understanding Development Appraisal

This publication from the National Housing Federation will guide development staff through the methods used to assess whether development projects...

08 December 2015

Aerial view of village surrounded by fieldsAerial view of village surrounded by fields

Model rules

The Model Rules have been revised so they are compliant with recent legislation, good practice, and regulatory requirements.

27 March 2015

Finance Demystified

Finance Demystified

This publication is not meant to convert board members into financial experts but to assist in understanding the financial position...

15 October 2014

family new homefamily new home

Model tenancy agreements

Federation members get exclusive access to our model tenancy agreements. 

08 March 2011