
Publications, briefings, webinars, toolkits and guidance on key housing issues.

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In a garden, a smiling man sits on an exercise ball supported by a woman crouched down in front of himIn a garden, a smiling man sits on an exercise ball supported by a woman crouched down in front of him
Supported housing
Case study

Finding a safe home after hospital

New NHF research exploring how the NHS and supported housing providers are working together to help patients find a safe home after hospital.

11 February 2025

Strateguc review meetingStrateguc review meeting
Our work

Housing associations in 2025: a strategic review

Our report summarises conversations we had with members and key stakeholders to provide an important snapshot of where we are as a united sector.

22 January 2025

Smiling workmen in overalls are greeted by a coupleSmiling workmen in overalls are greeted by a couple
Quality of homes

Making every contact count

New NHF report shows how social landlords are making the most of every engagement with their residents to drive positive change to the condition of their homes, services and health and wellbeing.

17 October 2024

Areal view of village and sky above itAreal view of village and sky above it
Rural housing

Rural Life Monitor 2024

The housing crisis is often discussed in terms of how many new homes are needed in total but less often in terms of how this looks in different parts of the country.

01 July 2024

A group of people sit in a circle, focused on someone with her their back to the camera who is being consoled by her neighbourA group of people sit in a circle, focused on someone with her their back to the camera who is being consoled by her neighbour
Supported housing

Supported and older person’s housing development survey: Our key findings

We surveyed our members at the end of 2023 to understand their plans for developing and regenerating supported or older person’s homes, and some of the key barriers they face.  

25 June 2024

Homes under constructionHomes under construction
Supply of new homes

State of MMC delivery in social housing report

Explore the latest on Modern Methods of Construction (MMC) in social housing. 

20 May 2024

In a garden, a smiling man sits on an exercise ball supported by a woman crouched down in front of himIn a garden, a smiling man sits on an exercise ball supported by a woman crouched down in front of him
Supported housing

How much supported housing will we need by 2040?

New research commissioned by the NHF and completed by Altair Ltd., shows that we’re not on track to provide a supported home to everyone who needs one by 2040.  

17 April 2024

Construction site where new houses are being builtConstruction site where new houses are being built

The economic impact of building social housing

Building 90,000 social homes could add over £50bn to the economy, according to new research.

27 February 2024

An older couple sit close on a sofa holding hands and smiling at one anotherAn older couple sit close on a sofa holding hands and smiling at one another
Supported housing
Case study

Making the case for specialist homes for older people

The Older Person's Housing Group has published a resource to explain the need for specialist housing for older people, outline the barriers to development and make their asks of the government as we head towards a general election.

20 February 2024

Couple sorting paperwork at tableCouple sorting paperwork at table

What are housing associations doing to tackle homelessness?

Five years since the NHF began work on supporting housing associations to reduce homelessness, we decided to rerun our initial 2018 survey on homelessness services, to find out where the sector is now.

05 February 2024

A young couple with young children on the sofaA young couple with young children on the sofa

Why we need a long-term plan for housing (report)

As we look to the next general election, we are calling on the party that forms the next government to be ambitious and transformative in its approach to housing. We want to see a clear long-term plan to meet housing need.

20 June 2023

Man on phone look at bills with toddler sat beside himMan on phone look at bills with toddler sat beside him
Universal credit and welfare reform

Universal Credit and rent arrears - autumn 2021

We wanted to understand how people were managing day-to-day living costs and the financial stability of the sector, as well as how the Universal Credit system has coped throughout the coronavirus crisis.

28 April 2022

Woman in yellow top working on her laptopWoman in yellow top working on her laptop
Universal credit and welfare reform

Coronavirus arrears report ‘Going freestyle: what happens when the rulebook is taken away’

The NHF has jointly published a new report with Placeshapers and whg on the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on rent arrears approaches at social landlords.

26 April 2022

Arial view of a couple with a baby surrounding by packing boxesArial view of a couple with a baby surrounding by packing boxes

Housing homeless families

With historically numbers of homeless families currently living in temporary accommodation, we wanted to better understand how social housing is allocated to homeless families.

22 April 2022

Strategic Review Dynamic Content Block NEWStrategic Review Dynamic Content Block NEW

Housing associations in 2022: a strategic review

Read our strategic review report setting out key findings into the long term future of the housing association sector.

14 March 2022

EDI dynamic contentEDI dynamic content
Diversity and equality

Equality, diversity and inclusion regional data breakdown

The NHF has published regional breakdowns of the data for housing associations to review and act on following the launch of our national equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) report.


19 January 2022

PIHN child image dynamic content imagePIHN child image dynamic content image
Supply of new homes

People in housing need 2021

Our People in housing need report looks at the full extent of the housing crisis in England, including how different housing issues affect people across tenures and regions.

15 December 2021

EDI report dynamic contentEDI report dynamic content
Diversity and equality

How diverse is the housing association workforce in England?

This report presents the findings of the first ever national picture of EDI within the housing association workforce in England. We have EDI data from 174 organisations, representing 71% of homes owned by housing associations in England.

09 December 2021

NHF logo in blueNHF logo in blue
Together with tenants

Stigma and Social Housing in England report – our response

Read our response to the University of Durham's new report on Stigma and Social Housing in England.

05 November 2021

Rows of new homes mobile.jpgRow of homes

How many homes did housing associations build last year?

Our end of year Supply Data report looks at how many homes the sector built over the last year.

23 September 2021

A couple at home sit at the kitche table looking at a laptop and various paper billsA couple at home sit at the kitche table looking at a laptop and various paper bills
Universal credit and welfare reform

Universal Credit: claiming during the coronavirus pandemic

Review the findings and recommendations from the largest survey of people living in social housing claiming Universal Credit during the coronavirus pandemic.

04 August 2021

The pointed roof of a house being constructedThe pointed roof of a house being constructed
Supply of new homes

How many homes did housing associations build in quarter one 2020/21?

This briefing details the number of homes housing associations developed in the first quarter of 2020/21, plus numbers delivered in the twelve months to June 2020.

17 February 2021

Higher Shippon in Cheriton Bishop, Devon. Completed in 2019 and built to A.E.C.B. standard.Higher Shippon in Cheriton Bishop, Devon. Completed in 2019 and built to A.E.C.B. standard.
Climate change

Research report: where are housing associations on the path to net zero?

Research report outlines where housing associations are on the path to net zero carbon emissions.

10 December 2020

A woman sits on a bed with two children, holding one close and looking very concernedA woman sits on a bed with two children, holding one close and looking very concerned

Research report on how housing associations use the Housing First model and recommendations for delivery

This report explores how housing associations are using the Housing First model as a means to address homelessness.

02 December 2020

Supply of new homes

People in housing need 2020

A comprehensive analysis of the scale and shape of housing need in England today

15 September 2020

man entering accessible homeman entering accessible home
Supported housing

Report on developing new supported housing for people with long-term care and support needs

We have been working with the Housing Learning and Improvement Network to identify the key barriers to developing new supported housing for people with long-term care and support needs, and how these can be overcome.

27 August 2020


Homes for the Oxford-Cambridge Arc

New report promotes the role of housing associations in the Oxford-Cambridge Arc in helping the region to develop and grow.

09 December 2019

Cooking at homeCooking at home
Diversity and equality

Homes for BME Communities

We've been working with BME National to highlight how the government can work with the housing sector to improve housing for BME communities in England.

16 October 2019

team meetingteam meeting

Working together to end homelessness

How local authorities and housing associations can work together to end homelessness.

08 October 2019

Couple sorting billsCouple sorting bills
Universal credit and welfare reform

We want the government to fix flaws in the Universal Credit system

We’ve joined the other UK housing federations, Community Housing Cymru, Scottish Federation of Housing Associations and Northern Ireland Federation of Housing Associations to lobby the government for changes to the system.

01 October 2019

A couple at home sit at the kitche table looking at a laptop and various paper billsA couple at home sit at the kitche table looking at a laptop and various paper bills
Universal credit and welfare reform

Research on income collection: Housing association changes in response to Universal Credit

Research into any changes our members have made to pre-tenancy and income collection policies and processes in response to Universal Credit. We want to share the learnings from other housing associations regarding approaches they feel work when it comes to the new benefit system.

01 January 2019

Aerial view of a rural villageAerial view of a rural village
Rural housing
Supply of new homes

Affordable housing saving rural services: rural life monitor 2017

Our report illustrates how building affordable homes in rural areas can help to maintain vital services for local communities.

13 November 2017