Equality, diversity and inclusion in housing association staff in England

30 November 2020

This summer we have been gathering insights and working with housing associations to look at how equality, diversity and inclusion looks within our sector.

We have collated this into a report to help housing providers understand where we currently are and start a conversation on where we’d like to get to.

  • The insights gathered show initiatives and actions have been piecemeal or time-limited, with little understanding of impacts. We have seen diversity, equality and inclusion as a project rather than an organisational value that should be embedded into company culture and policies. If we are to address the great challenges around inequality and discrimination, then greater sector leadership is required.
  • The insights in this review reveal the multiple challenges around understanding diversity, equality and inclusion in the sector, as well as the benefits in acting, but the starting point is data. We need to know where we are in order to know where we want to be and measure our progress.
  • The NHF and its member group will therefore be working to provide a sector-wide picture of the diversity of our workforce and how this compares to the demographics of the areas in which we operate. We will be calling on all members of the NHF to be open with their data.
  • We’re calling for the sector to show leadership around ensuring a diverse, inclusive and equal workforce. This must start with open, honest conversations within housing associations about the apparent lack of equality, diversity and inclusion throughout much of our sector. This insight review has shown some of what the sector is doing. There must be more that we can share with each other. Now is not the time for complacency or shying away from the problems in society mirrored by our sector. Now is the time for action.

Stay up-to-date with all our EDI work

Head over to our equality, diversity and inclusion hub where we have current blogs, information, upcoming webinars and more from within our sector.

Who to speak to

Joe Waters, Public Affairs Manager