Equality, diversity and inclusion report launch (webinar)

09 December 2020

Improving diversity, equality and inclusion goes to the heart of who we are as organisations and what we stand for as a sector. Housing associations are driven by strong social values, but there is more that we can and should be doing to ensure our leadership is diverse, and that our workplaces embrace equality.

Supported by the NHF, the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in Housing Group is made up of housing association representatives, each passionate about creating a more diverse sector. The most important step to allow our sector to improve is to understand the problem.

In collaboration with the Housing Diversity Network, the NHF has developed an Insight Report, which aims to establish a common understanding of the challenges facing the sector in addressing inequalities.

Join us for this NHF member only webinar to discuss the Insight Report findings and how we can work together as a sector to make change happen.

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Who to speak to

Joe Waters, Public Affairs Manager