Net zero under a new government

20 August 2024

During this webinar we hear from a range of speakers about the future of net zero under the new government and the implications for housing associations.

The first 100 days of a new government represents an important opportunity to review critical priorities. The King’s Speech set out the new Prime Minister’s legislative agenda and we now have a clearer idea of what the government aims to achieve over the next parliamentary session.

Taking place during the first 100 days of the new government, this webinar was an opportunity to join the discussion about how the government will deliver against the country's net zero target, what that means for housing associations and how housing associations and the government can work together.


Ben Cooper, Research Manager, The Fabian Society
Natasha Hobday, Interim Deputy Director, Energy UK
Sarah Jones, Chief Executive, Anchor Housing Association
Lizzi Hearn (chair), External Affairs Manager, National Housing Federation

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Who to speak to

Lizzi Hearn, External Affairs Manager