Our response to the Regulator of Social Housing’s consultation on proposed statutory guidance

18 January 2024

The NHF has submitted a response to the Regulator of Social Housing on its consultation looking at how it intends to use its regulatory and enforcements powers, following changes brought in by the Social Housing Regulation Act. 

The Social Housing Regulation Act received its Royal Assent in July 2023, becoming law. The Act aims to strengthen the powers of the Regulator of Social Housing, strengthen resident rights and make sure homes are safe and good quality.   

One of the most important parts of these new reforms is the changes to the consumer regulation role of the Regulator of Social Housing. This means that the Regulator will now be empowered to proactively monitor and promote landlords’ compliance with the enhanced consumer standards.   

Thank you to all members who sent us their views on the proposals in the consultation to help inform our response on behalf of the sector.  

A summary of our response 

In our response, we made it clear we support the Regulator’s aim to use its powers to make sure any problems are solved quickly and effectively, for residents and their homes. Our response also highlighted that we agree with the Regulator’s approach to using its powers only in cases where housing associations haven’t solved problems after a period of engagement with the Regulator, or where the action needed is urgent.  
However, we would like the Regulator to be clearer on some aspects of their guidance, including:  

  • More clarity on the circumstances that will lead to the use of enforcement powers. Whilst we understand each individual case will be unique, understanding the specific issues that will trigger further action will help our members understand the Regulator’s expectations and ensure problems are solved effectively. 
  • A call for the Regulator to establish the scale for penalties and to consider the potential impact on residents.
  • A provision to allow registered providers to accompany the Regulator’s representatives during surveys of homes and emergency remedial actions. 
Download our response

We are looking forward to collaborating closely with the Regulator of Social Housing this year to make sure changes work for the sector and ensure residents have access to quick and fair redress when things go wrong.   
If you have questions about our response or want to give us your feedback, please contact us using the contact details below. 

Who to speak to

Jo Allen, Head of Member Relations