Planning – opportunities and obstacles for delivering rural housing

05 July 2023

We know that building homes in rural areas is often more challenging, so this webinar, which took place during Rural Housing Week 2023 focused on planning. 


  • Quality of existing homes in rural areas – exploring the overall picture and the challenges presented by ageing housing stock.
  • S106, Rural Exception Sites, Infrastructure Levy and beyond – taking stock of our planning system, and what it means in practice for rural housing development.
  • Second homes – understand the scale of these in rural areas, balancing the pros and cons for local economies and resident’s needs.


  • Ulrike Maccariello, Development Director, Hastoe Group
  • Nick Gallent, Bartlett School of Planning, University College London
  • Adam Morton, Senior Manager Affordable Housing, Homes England

Who to speak to

Patrick Merton-Jones, External Affairs Manager