The Better Social Housing Review: two years on

02 December 2024

During this webinar, representatives from the Chartered Institute of Housing and the National Housing Federation reflect on the Better Social Housing Review, two years on.

The Better Social Housing Review was set up in June 2022 by the National Housing Federation and Chartered Institute of Housing to tackle social housing issues in England. The independent panel was asked to make practical recommendations to social housing providers, the government and everyone else with responsibility for social housing to help achieve that.

While for many housing providers there is still work to be done to improve both the quality of homes and services, and build trust with residents, during this webinar we will be exploring how our response to the review has played a role in influencing change and achieving its ambition.


  • Natalie Flageul, Executive Director of Customer Experience, Raven Housing Trust 
  • Chris Holloway, Executive Director, Greatwell Homes
  • Stephen Johnson, Vice Chair of the Tenant Advisory Panel
  • Rhys Moore, Executive Director of Public Impact, the National Housing Federation
  • Rachael Williamson, Interim Director of Policy, Communications & External Affairs, Chartered Institute of Housing

Who to speak to

Kevin Garvey, Head of Member Relations