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New homes being built

The Future Homes and Buildings Standards consultation

Consultation In December 2023, the government launched a consultation to set out their plans for achieving ... achieving the Future Homes Standard and Future Buildings Standard. The consultation sets out the Government's

The pointed roof of a house being constructed

The Future Homes and Buildings Standards

Briefing for housing associations Summary In December 2023, the government launched a consultation to set ... set out their plans for achieving the Future Homes Standard and Future Buildings Standard. Through this

Lower Furlong, in Sharnbrook, Bedfordshire. Completed in 2018, this is Hastoe’s most recently certified Passivhaus development (accurate as of December 2020).

Future Homes Standard – interim uplift information

In December 2021, the government implemented the interim uplift to building regulations and published new Approved Documents.

Catherine Ryder

Are you ready for the Future Homes Standard?

Some parts of the Future Homes Standard will come into effect as early as this year – we need to start preparing right now.

Aerial view of roofs in a housing estate

Planning for the future - our consultation response

briefing for members which sets out our response to the government’s consultation on proposed planning reforms ... white paper, Planning for the future. The government launched Planning for the future on 6 August, a consultation

Lower Furlong, in Sharnbrook, Bedfordshire. Completed in 2018, this is Hastoe’s most recently certified Passivhaus development (accurate as of December 2020).

What does the new Future Homes Standard mean for building regulations?

On 19 January 2021, the government published the outcome of its 2019 consultation on the Future Homes Standard. Here are the key outcomes of the consultation

The pointed roof of a house being constructed

Proposed changes to the planning system – our consultation response

Tell us your views on the planning reforms proposed in the government’s new white paper We’ve produced ... produced a briefing for members which sets out our response to the government’s consultation on short-term changes

Duncan Neish

The new Green Paper on planning is an opportunity to improve the process

Next month’s Accelerated Planning Green Paper should bring more substance and an opportunity to pitch proposals for improvement

Worker installing wall insulation

NHF response to BEIS consultation on review of net zero policies

In September 2022, the BEIS Secretary of State commissioned a review of the net zero target. We've responded ... responded to the call for evidence which formed part of their consultation. As part of the review, the Chair

View of new build homes with a pathway in front of them and a blue sky behind

Social housing renewal: first steps for the new government

work with the new government to deliver new homes, growth, investment, decarbonise existing homes and end ... end the housing crisis for good. Housing associations already develop a quarter of all new homes in England

The pointed roof of a house being constructed

Government publishes planning white paper

How the government's proposed planning changes will affect housing associations and our reaction to the proposals.

A young couple with young children on the sofa

Why we need a long-term plan for housing (report)

9/10 Day One Week one First budget Day 100 Spending review One year in Decent homes that people ... afford are the foundations for a good life and strong economy. A decent, affordable home is as essential

Bungalows with solar panels on the roof

Abri discuss planning and strategy

Abri discuss planning and strategy Abri discuss planning and strategy Abri discuss planning and strategy ... strategy Based in the south of England, Abri manages 35,000 homes for 80,000 residents. To reach our final

Louise Ansari is Director of Communications and Influencing, Centre for Ageing Better

Never has there been a time that more clearly shows us how our homes are at the heart of living well

We need to make sure both exisiting homes are future homes are suitable to living well and ageing better.

Photo of Jo Hills who is Director of Assets and Services at Raven Housing Trust

Launching an ambitious decarbonisation plan that meets the needs of our residents

If the UK’s carbon targets are to be met, existing homes will need to be retrofitted and new homes built to meet much tougher standards. But how social landlords will afford to do this work?

View of new build homes with a pathway in front of them and a blue sky behind

Progress on Permitted Development

The Government has responded to feedback on its recent Planning reform: supporting the high street and increasing the delivery of new homes consultation.

Photo of Colette McKune, Group Chief Executive at ForViva

The role of housing providers in stimulating the economy, creating new jobs and improving wellbeing

Not only does construction of new homes create employment opportunities, but it has a wider economic impact across the supply chain that in turn stimulates growth.

Higher Shippon in Cheriton Bishop, Devon. Completed in 2019 and built to A.E.C.B. standard.

What the Energy White Paper means for housing associations

On Monday 14 December, the government published its long-awaited Energy White Paper ‘Powering our Net Zero Future’.

Sarauniya Shehu

What does the Queen’s Speech mean for housing?

On Tuesday 11 May, the State Opening of Parliament took place. Find out more about the specific announcements for housing and what they mean for housing associations.

Houses of Parliament

2024 election manifestos: party pledges on housing

Combined, the documents of the three main parties come in at a hefty 327 pages and include pledges on everything ... everything from the economy to housing and health. Below is a breakdown of the key housing and welfare pledges

profile photo of Natalie Turner

What do the recent net zero policy changes mean for social housing?

Over the past month we have seen a number of net zero announcements from the government that will have an impact on the social housing sector’s work to decarbonise social homes across the country.

Ventilation system

Clarion discuss funding for decarbonisation

funding for decarbonisation Clarion discuss funding for decarbonisation Clarion discuss funding for decarbonisation ... Clarion Housing Group is the largest social landlord in England, managing homes for over 350,000 people.

Photograph of Rory Hughes, a Policy Officer at the National Housing Federation

This Earth Day, we examine the latest developments in climate policy and what it means for social housing

Policy Officer Rory Hughes summarises the recent developments for the UK and for housing associations in the field of sustainability and decarbonisation.

Worker installing wall insulation

Heat and buildings strategy - briefing for housing associations

On 19 October 2021, the government released their long-awaited Heat and buildings strategy. The Heat ... Heat and buildings strategy sets out how the government plans to eliminate ‘virtually all emissions arising

Photograph of Rory Hughes, a Policy Officer at the National Housing Federation

What will 2022 hold for our decarbonisation work?

As the energy crisis continues, our work on decarbonisation has a renewed sense of urgency, so it is worth recapping where we have come from and where it is going in the next few months.

Houses of Parliament

Six housing announcements from the Spring Statement 2019

The Spring Statement 2019 contained six main housing announcements.

Kate Henderson

Net zero by 2050: a decarbonisation roadmap for housing associations

Announcing a major new programme of NHF work on decarbonisation.

Dylan Hemmings

What have we learnt about the Supported Housing (Regulatory Oversight) Act?

The Supported Housing (Regulatory Oversight) Act became law on 29th August 2023. This new legislation aims to introduce new regulations to tackle any poor quality supported housing and protect residents.

Catherine Ryder

How can housing play a part in solving the climate crisis?

Recently more housing associations have been talking about, and taking action on, the climate crisis.

Kevin Garvey

During a summer of instability, what progress has social housing made decarbonisation and net zero?

In amongst sudden and dramatic developments in Westminster and with COP27 underway in Egypt, we’ve continued our work with the sector and the government on decarbonising homes.

EDI data tool dynamic content

Equality, diversity and inclusion data tool – commonly asked questions

to  Section one: About the data tool  What is the EDI data tool? What is different about the 2023 version ... version of the tool? Why should we use it? Should we use the tool even if we’re a small organisation and

Bernicia logo

Making tenants’ voices heard at Bernicia

voices heard at Bernicia What's the story? What did we do? What's been the impact? What barriers, challenges ... Bernicia has used the initiative to assess and improve resident engagement practices. The Charter has been